A Princess's Soul

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Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche. The name that still struck fear in the hearts of the people of the Lucifenia years after her reign was ended. She was the princess of Lucifenia, a country that terrorized its people and neighbors. Though now thought dead, publically killed by guillotine, she still lives. Saved by the sacrifice of her twin brother Allen. After the revolution she changed her name to Rin, married, and had two children.

This brings us to our current place and time. The small bedroom, where Rin now lay, that once belonged to Rin and her husband. As of now it served as Rin's death-bed. She would not be taken by disease, assault, or any other unnatural cause. No, what would take her spark of life would be simple old age for she was now sixty years old. An extraordinarily long life for her time.

Standing by her frail form were her two children, Allen and Michaela, named in honor of two of the people her sinful heart bled for the most. The two children loved each other very much. Rin had a nagging suspicious feeling it was something akin to what she felt for Allen all those years ago, though she would never admit to the feelings.

"Allen, Michaela there is something I must tell you." Rin wheezed she could feel that her time in this world was coming to an end.

"Mother, please rest and save your strength," Michaela fussed Rin gave a dry chuckle that turned to a fit of coughing. How could such a sweet and kind soul could be born from her foul being, "The doctor said that you need to get plenty of rest to recover."

"Enough Michaela this cannot wait." Rin struggled her way into a sitting position with the help of Allen. Oh, her child resembled her selfless twin. "I must tell you my name."

"What are you taking about mother? We know your name." Allen said

"No, you know the name of who I am now. I will tell you the name of who I once was."

"Mother?" Michaela gave Rin a puzzled look. She was completely oblivious to what she was about to say, but Allen, her brilliant Allen, had donned a look of understanding. He already knew what she was going to say.

"My name is...Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche." Michaela gasped, and took a step back shocked by what she had heard. She couldn't believe it. Her mother was the horrible princess that the people of her spoke of only in whispers.

Allen, unlike his sister, was taking this shocking new more calmly. He had seen how his mother acted when people mentioned the old princess, the slips into royal behavior, and the barely suppressed tears when they passed the guillotine.

"Now that you know I won't blame you if you hate me. After all I hate myself most of-"Rin as cut off by Michaela suddenly hugging her.

"Mother, we could never hate you!" Michaela said

"We will love you no matter who you are." Allen said Rin smiled. What did she do to deserve such loving children?

So with her last breath she said, "Thank you my children I will always love you." And with that Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche closed her eyes for the last time. 'Maybe I'll finally see you again Allen.'


"Kagamine Rin" is now activated. Condition: Normal. When Rin opened her eyes she saw a man in a lab coat standing in front of her.

"Nice to meet you, do you know your own name?" he asked. Rin simply nodded

"That's great. Let's introduce you to someone," The man turned and motioned a boy forward, "His name is-"When she saw him, just for a split second, another life flashed into her mind, and one name came with it. "Allen" When this happened a single tear fell from her eye.

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