{Dante} The Devil Cries an Angel's Tears {Sparda} Chapter Sixteen

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.C.H.A.P.T.E.R. .S.I.X.T.E.E.N.

Sofia sat on Dante's chair behind his desk. Drake was asleep upstairs, but Sofia couldn't sleep, her mind was racing with thoughts of Dante, thoughts that made her sick to the stomach.

Her face was decorated with tears as she bit her nails. Was he dead already or was he merely strolling around, taking his time? She kicked the chair back and up turned the desk, which she had set back up. She removed her mother's sword from her back and threw it into a wall, shooting her bullets at anything and everything she could, smashing up Dante's windows.

Drake ran down the stairs, worried for his mother, not worrying about the danger that there could be. He jumped down the stairs as quickly as he could, running over to his mother as she sat on the floor, holding her body and rocking herself on the spot.

"Mommy, mommy. It's okay, he'll be back."

"Oh Drakie, he won't."

"He will mommy, I swear. Please don't cry, please."

Drake took his mothers hand and pulled her up the stairs taking her into the bedroom he had been in. He sat her on the bed and then snuggled into her lap, hugging her tightly, stroking her hair.

"Go to sleep mommy, he'll be back when we wake up."

Dante climbed back up the tower, tempted to turn back around and go to Sofia, what difference would it make if he stopped Vergil? He didn't give a damn about the world; he only cared for her and her son.

As he walked towards the room where the centre tower was, he went over to the nearest window, glancing out over the desolate landscape. The dismal red brick from the buildings were covered in dust, the sun hidden by the dark dull clouds that hung around the tower. His shop looked broken, more so than when he had left it.

Windows were smashed, the doors completely gone. Had she done that? He knew she was worried about him, but was she really that worried? He kicked the glass from the thin window and climbed onto the ledge.

He hung his head and stepped back inside, he couldn't go to her now, he needed to make Vergil pay for taking her, and her son. He walked into the room he had been looking for and searched intently for a means of climbing up. Finding none he exited the room, looking for another way up.

As Drake cuddled up to his mother she lay there, not able to sleep. He was asleep again, not troubled by anything or realising the danger Dante was in. She held her son's small hands between her two and kissed it. She hoped he stayed this naïve forever, not comprehending the true pains in the world.

She got off the bed and picked up her son, walking down the stairs quickly, going over to Dante's nearly broken desk. She kicked it back up and placed Drake onto it, while she looked around for a scrap of paper. When she finally found an old pizza box, she turned it upside down and scribbled a quick note on it with a sharpie that she found lying on the ground.

I couldn't stay here.

I'm at my flat.

Come as soon as your back.

Love you babe.

She picked up Drake and went to her car, which was still outside from when Dante had brought her back here. She set Drake into the passenger seat and put his seat belt on as she kissed his head. She shut the door and went over to the drivers seat, yanking the door open and dropping into the seat.

The engine revved loudly as she pulled down the street and back to her flat. The journey was relatively quick but it seemed to spread out before her. Each second drew by at an excruciating pace, she knew her mind was tricking her, but her worry didn't cease making each instant as painful as possible.

She looked at her house as she parked in the garage. She had the distant memory of watching the sunrise with Dante only yesterday. She wiped the new tears that were falling from her eyes and got out of the car, scooping up her son and opening the front door.

She glanced around noticing the demons remains still on the floor and covering most of the surfaces, giving her home a dirty feel. She jumped up the stairs and let Drake lie on her bed. she smiled as he pulled on her pillow, wanting something to cuddle. She placed him under her quilt and tucked him in, running a few finger through his hair, mumbling a few lines from the song she usually sung him.

He smiled slightly in his sleep and Sofia chuckled, momentarily forgetting her hurt that she was feeling. Drake squeezed the pillow and Sofia kissed him once again before shutting the door and walking downstairs.

She grabbed a beer from the fridge and threw hers and Dante's old ones in the bin, hearing the glass chink together. She opened her new one on the counter top and took a quick swig before going into her living room and starting to clean up the mess made. It wasn't something she would normally do, but, at the moment, she would do anything to take her mind of Dante.

Dante had found his way of climbing up to the top of the tower, and was nearly at the top when he thought about Sofia again. His heart sunk a little lower in his chest and he obliterated the surrounding demons quicker than he thought possible.

He fell to his knees from the sudden weakness that washed over him and then cursed him. He forced himself off the ground and walked away from the devil's remains. He was letting her affect him too much, and he didn't like it. He was becoming reckless and stupid in his rush to get back to her. He had watched her drive away from his shop and had been tempted for the fifth time to leave this place and go after her.

As he finally made it to the top he opened up a door. What he saw inside was a twisted version of reality. It was the place between this world and hell. He stood there recognizing that this was his last opportunity to turn around and return to her. After he entered he would not be able to leave until the portal was closed, if he could leave.

He took a deep breath and swung his sword over his shoulder. He checked his guns and then looked into the looming insane world that was about to become reality.

"Well, Sofia, it's showtime."

And then he walked through, the heavy doors shutting behind him, trapping him in and away from her.

{Dante} The Devil Cries an Angel's Tears {Sparda}Where stories live. Discover now