Part 1

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It always seems to amaze me how quickly change occurs,

Like a constant flowing river of near icy cold waters.

Like the tides change bringing newness,

like the wind blows in fresh air,

I know things never stay the same ,

but this time it's just not fair.

I feel like I just met you and now you move away

And I smile shyly knowing that this is your last day.

I pray we'll keep in touch, I pray, because the past

I'd say those things and try don't seem to last.

You're the first friend that I met here I cherish you a bunch

And although our times been short, know, I love you very much.

I always be here for you, to talk to listen to write,

At the very least in spirit, if I'm not in clear plain sigh.

Email, write or call me, I'll always lend an ear,

My schedules not so crazy, you know I'm always here.

I know one day I'll visit you and you'll be back I'm sure

All I hope is that our friendship lasts, the test of time, so pure.

As I end this thought I know there's more, so much there is to say,

But I'll leave for another time, another friendly day.

Goodbye My FriendWhere stories live. Discover now