Where did all of the pure souls go?

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It's been weeks since we've spoken
I was infatuated with your presence, seemingly impressed with your delicate thoughts and pure soul. You were superficially unparalleled. I marveled at your unrivaled personality. Unmatched perfection, is what I thought of you to be. One month prior to our fallout, my thoughts on you were simply put as high; I had no unsatisfactory thoughts on your name. You were, as I struggled to often find, a pure soul.

At least I thought you were.

A month later the thought of your name was harrowing. The sight of you was enough to push me into the deepest of attacks, the longest cries and the most pain. I recall the night when you did me wrong. I remember hurling in a restaurant bathroom from crying for 4 hours straight.

None of this mattered to you.

Maybe you were this way all along, and I was too blind to see it. Maybe, you transformed into this faulted coldness of a being from spending so much time with the rest of the rotten youth. In reality, I'm completely unsure of how you became this way.

What I know
Is that the beautiful, pure soul I once saw in you doesn't exist anymore... and that's all I needed to see to realize that I don't belong here. I don't want to belong here.

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