Chapter one

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I was in the back of the classroom, everyone was getting their math test from last Friday. I think I did pretty good. Mrs Johnston gave me back my paper, I took one glance at it and slammed it on the desk over my terrible grade. A thirty six percent?!? My parents are going to fucking kill me, literally. The had rung for us to go to sixth period, I was just out the door when Mrs Johnston stopped me.
I stopped.
"May I speak with you please?"
Mrs Johnston was a pretty chill teacher, she was the only math teacher I liked, others I've always dread going too.
"Yes mam"
I walked over to her desk. I already know what this is about, she is just going to give me a lecture on how I need to study more and be more dedicated to my school so I can go to college and not be a hobo and blah blah.
"Now ms beckham that is the fifth test you have flunk and you also haven't been doing good on your class work either. Why's that?" She asked as she took off her glasses.
"Umm well, you see Mrs Johnston I just don't get it, I've never gotten math."
I thought she was just going to encourage me to do better and that she knows I can do it but instead she says
" I'm assigning you a tutor"
Did I really just hear that right?
" A tutor? That's not necessary"
"Well your not doing your work and you just told me your not getting it so I'm getting you help"
" I don't need help I can do it"
I told her trying to get her to change her mind.
" I made up my mind Skylar, I only want what's best for you."
Maybe this tutor thing isn't going to be that bad, I thought to myself, maybe she will assign me someone who will do all my work for me.
"I guess we could give it a try"
Mrs Johnston smiled.
"Great come by after school to meet your new tutor.
•after school•
I wonder who Mrs Johnston picked for me? Hopefully not one of those preps that I can't stand because they think they are all that, ugh. I don't plan on telling my parents I got a tutor because then that mean I have to tell them I'm failing math, and they want me to work some boring office job. That's not what I want, I'm not even sure what I want but I know it's not that boring ass shit. I walked into my math class to see Mrs Johnston with a boy I never seen before, the school is huge so you never seen anyone twice unless they are in your classes. This boy was cute, wait scratch that he was beautiful, perfect, flawless, holy fuck that jawline! Shit some one could cut-
I snapped out of my thought and gave my attention to Mrs Johnston.
"This is Reed, he will tutor you"
Reed, even his name is perfect.
"Hey Skylar I hope I can help you with your math problems" he smiled.
I swear this boy is going to be the death of me.
"Thankful for helping me..Reed" I smiled back at him. Johnston can see  my interest toward Reed but doesn't say anything.
"How about we go to my house, this time? My mom will be at work until eight" Reed said.
Oh my fucking God. I'm going to be alone with this hunk of sexiness.
"cool, sounds good"  I said.
Reed gave me his address and his phone number in case I get lost, I had to go home and change and do my stupid bitch ass chores first. My parents are strict, like you wouldn't believe.
After I left my house I was haft way to reeds when the wind blew the piece of paper from my hands, fuck me.
I took out my phone and dialed reeds number, Atleast I'm smart enough to had already put his number in my phone.
"Um hello?" A voice answered.
" Reed? It's Skylar"
"Oh hey! Where are you?"
Well funny story, I kinda lost the paper you gave me so do you think you can pick me up?"
He started chuckling.
"Yes I can just stay where you are"
" thanks again"
Reed pulled up about five minutes later, I walked to his car and sat in the passenger seat.
"Hi" he said
"Hi" I said back.
He took us back to his house, his house was nice, it wasn't as big as mine but it was very nice.
Reed carried my stuff for me inside and set it on the kitchen table.
"Ready to get started?" Reed asked
" I guess"
He laughed
"Let the fun began"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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