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Emmett's P.O.V

"So how'd it go?"

The answer I got was the front door slamming shut. I turned around in my bar stool, just to see Lee storming off into his room.

Another rough day at the Adams' household.

"Kill me now," Emily groaned as she rested her head on the counter.

I chuckled. "I prefer not to give Parker a reason to murder me anytime soon."

Emily rolled her eyes, getting up to find a drink.

"We need to go grocery shopping," she informed me as she pulled out a coke.

"Not too high on my to-do list," I said, slurping on my coffee.

"But the stuff here ain't enough for the three of us to live on."

"It will be enough once Parker gets his shit together and stops sending Lee here."

"He is. Both of them are," Emily explained. "But it's better if they do it without having to take each other's heads off."

It's been a few weeks since Lee was discharged. Both he and Parker have since been going to Peace River for therapy sessions. Parker even took some anger management class there. Though both of them moved into an apartment that was closer to the rehab center, Lee spends most of his nights here with me and Emily. Looks like today was going to be night number 12.

"It's not like I don't like Lee around, it's just that I wish Parker would stop dropping Lee off here like he's trying to get rid of him," I told Emily.

"Parker's not trying to get rid of him," Emily defended.

"Lee might feel that he is."

Emily didn't answer, instead taking a long sip from her coke.

"Where did you guys go anyway?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Who? Me and Lee?"

"No, you and Christian Grey."

Emily rolled her eyes again. "There was an art festival near Peace River and I thought that Lee would want to visit it. So, we did."

"How was it?"

"It was okay but Lee wasn't."

"What did he do this time?"

Emily paused for a moment. "He just wasn't in the mood."

"When is he ever in the mood?"

Emily shrugged. "I did get him a cool tan bracelet though. He seemed to like it."

I gave her a thumbs up and gulped down the rest of my coffee. "I'll go see if he needs anything else."

"Good luck with that."

"Hey, Lee," I called out as I walked into his room. It was actually a guest room since Parker didn't live here anymore but Lee kinda claimed it as his own, considering he came over so often.

Lee nodded, not looking up from his sketchbook.

"How was the art festival?" I asked, taking a seat on his bed.

Lee stayed silent, continuing to sketch.

"You hungry?"


"I thought since you're here we can go watch that new spy movie," I suggested. "You know that one with-"

"Can't you just leave me alone?" Lee snapped, slamming his pencil on his book.

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