Dora in the hunger games

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Penny's pov
When we reached his house I quickly ran out the door and escaped! Yay I was out of there! Now all I need to do is call 911! Before I did I tripped over a sandy rock. It hurt real bad!! I look up. Aha its a island! The sand was cotton candy and the trees were big rainbow lollipops! The water was syrup! And sweets were cute creatures! "Sweet" is all the can say. But if they pronounce it differently then that means they are saying another thing. A few mins later I went into the syrup! The sharks were gummy bears. They were friendly! I even ate one! Ahahah! I love to hang out with these guys tho! There so awesome! I'm never going home! I'm never going nowhere except stay in this island forever people! I love this place!

Mums pov
Aha! I know where penny can be! At the at candy world! I drive in my mini car all the way there. It is 3hrs long. I bought Jeff along. When we reached I saw a little cherry in the syrup screaming help! I run the cherry..its penny! She was struggling to get up get out off the syrup ocean. I jumped in. By the time I knew it cherry went even deeper! "Cherry get here and stop going deeper!" No this way is shorter!" But deeper!"ugh! I don't care mom!"no!" AHHHH!" A giant gummy bear was coming near us!

Penny's pov
I look at mom. I wished I had followed her. I could have finished watching every single episode of Dora's adventure. But mom grabbed me. And Mr gigantic gummy bear gobbled my stem! AHHHH! I felt the ground. But the squids which were gummy worms pulled me in and drowned me! AHHHH! I couldn't hold my breath and I......

Omg I think this should be the most interesting page ever! But what will you think will happened? The shout outs go too ultimatlyskilled andtomboygirl4ever I hope u guys have a great weekend and enjoy ur selves with books books books! Like I'm talking bills bills bills here! Lol later y'all!

X0x0x0x0x0x0!!:-) :-) :-) :-)

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