Things need to be explaned 1#

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Ender- male

Bounder- male

Kat- female

Drake- male


Ender- 6.5

Bounder- 5.7

Kat- 5.3

Drake- 6.1

(Like thing)

Ender/likes, video games, horror movie, anime X3, music, creepypasta,

Bounder/likes, reading, playing, roleplaying, anime, music,

Kat/likes, anime, drawing, video games, music,

Drake/likes, reading, reading fanfic, anime, music, creepypasta

(What animal are they?)

Ender- hybrid

Bounder- bunny

Kat- chicken

Drake- fox

(Do they remember there family?)

Ender- remembers but try's not too

Bounder- no

Kat- yes

Drake- no

(Did they have younger siblings)

Ender- had two older brothers, (names) Vincent the purpleguy, Jackson,

Bounder- had one little sister (name) Sam

Kat- had one baby brother (name) Parker

Drake- had no brothers or sisters :( (poor Drake)

(How old are they)

Ender: 5, when died

Bounder: 5, when died has well

Kat: 7, when died

Drake: 6, when died

And also, they were animatronics back in 1854
Good fact to know

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