The Girl with grey eyes

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Liz walked down the long narrow hallway as quickly as possible before all the other students would rush out of their classrooms and Trample her.
Liz was a 15 year old girl that wasnt the most popular kid in school. Others opinion more the most hated person. Her family wasnt the best either. Her parents often broke into fights and her brother was a drug dealer. And her sister died Last year.
Liz slammed her locker shut covered in pictures of randomized characters from tv shows , movies ,books,and online fictional characters. She shoved the large books and journals into her backpack and continued to walk out of her large school. There was one thing strange about Liz tho...her eyes seemed to be a very dark grey. This was unusual to everyone but Liz saw it as a Part of uniqueness. Liz walked out of her school to become face to face with Kasidye. Well, Kasidye...shes the most demonic girl in the whole school. Shes often showered with gifts and has everyone in her school in the palm of her hands. "Look what we have here..its the little Grey eyed loser." Kasidye said laughing at her self which Liz found extremley obnoxious. "What do you want kasidye.." Liz said sternly clenching her fist to make sure she wouldn't get suspended today. "Oh nothing just wanted to point out how much of a Loser you are." "Screw off kasidye i dont feel like dealing with your Crap today." Liz said snapping quietly to kasidye with and angry expression in her voice.

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