In Death.

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                      Katniss' POV
His face was peaceful, calm, and relaxed. There was no color to his cheeks. His bronze hair was fanned across his forehead, his green eyes hidden behind closed eyelids never to be seen again. His lips were set in a straight thin line never to  be turned up into his charming smile again. His chest was still never to rise and fall with every breath or shake with laughter ever again. He was beautiful even in death. They killed him, they killed the beautiful man with the heart of gold, they killed the man with the charming smile. Some say his death was easy, a simple bullet to the heart, but I thought otherwise. He didn't deserve to go, he didn't deserve to die. The day I found out I was angry with him because he left me here alone but then I was angry with myself. I was angry because I never told him how I felt, I was angry with myself because I never told him I loved wait no that I still love him. Even in death I still loved him. I stood there with a small smile as I took in the sight of his peaceful form in a black tux, if only it was a different setting, if only he wasn't in a casket.
"Hey fishboy, want a sugar cube?" I murmured as I lifted his cold dead hand and placed one small sugar cube underneath.

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