Chapter 1

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(Keegan's POV)
When I open my eyes all is see is darkness. I sit up fast looking around to try and see where I was at. The only light I see is from the sun peeking out from behind the dark curtain.

Where the fuck am I?

I get out from under the blankets and start to get off the bed. The door opens and a head peeks through.

"K-Keegan are you awake yet?" A small voice asks
"Where am I?"

"Oh good you're up." She says walking in and turning on the lights

Once my eyes adjust to the bright light I look up. I see a short petite girl with short brown hair and big brown eyes starting at me.

"Where am I?" I ask again getting off the bed.
"You're new home" she smiles

"What do you mean my 'new home'. I have a home and a family" I shout

"Keegan please stay calm. You're master will be home very soon from his meeting and will be angry if you're not calm and quiet" she says

"Okay I'm calm will you tell me what I'm doing here" I say as calmly as possible

"You're Lord Styles' servant or as you will be referred to as his pet"

Oh my god. She said Lord Styles as in The vampire prince. Oh no this can't be good. I have to be his pet. What happened to his other pet? Actually i'm not so sure I  want to know.
"So What are you doing here" I ask

"Oh my name is Oakley. I am Lord Sawyer's pet. Shit I have to tell you the rules before he returns"

I sigh and sit on the bed. Rules. I don't want rules I want to get out of here.

"Okay basically you are a pet. You will call Lord Styles Master. You will call the Lords and Ladies Well Lord...and Lady... You will attend school with the rest of the pets and Royal and Elite Vampires. We start the semester soon. You will not run away. You must do what ever you are asked by any Royal vampire. Especially your Master he has any right to punish you if you fail to do so." 

I lay back. This is not happening, I am being trapped here with vampires. They scare the shit out of me as it is now I have to call them Master.

"Stand up" I hear a deep voice say strictly. I stand up immediately. I am met with a pair of cold green eyes. He looks me up and down and smirks.

"Let's go. Follow me" he says turning around and walking towards the door.

I rush to keep up with him. We walk through a hallway and I see a white and black grand double staircase. He has such long legs I have to practically jog to keep up with him.

I look around trying to see if there is a way out.
He turns around and looks down at me
"Don't try to run. I will get you and im in a bad mood so it won't be very fun for you" He says turning back around to walk up the stairs.
When we make it to the top I am basically out of breath he turns around and shakes his head.
We get to a door and he opens it. We walk and he closes the door and walks over to the bed and sits down

"Come here pet"

I walk over to him and I stand by him. He looked like he was about to stay something when there was a knock on the door

"Lord Styles, Lord Julian and Lord Sawyer  are back and would like to speak with you privately" a familiar voice says behind the door. I only know Oakley so it must be her.

He rolls his eyes and goes to open the door.
"Pet go with Oakley be back in 15 minutes no later" 

I go with her and she takes me back down those stairs and down a hallway. She opens up a door. Behind the door is a big room filled with high bookshelves filled with tons of books. It also has couches chairs and sitting on them are 4 other people.

"Okay Keegan this is where us pets hang out so I'm going to introduce you there are a total of 6 Lords and Ladies, 2 girls 4 guys."

She explains who is who
Emerson is Lord Julian's pet she has blonde hair a big blue eyes
Eloise is Lord Alexander's pet she has strawberry blonde curls
Rowan is Lady Beatrice pet
Elliot is Lady Nova pet

After I am done trying to memorize all the name I was just told I start listening to the conversation that is going on around me.

"Emerson you should really stand up to him more I mean I know he is well... mean but he hasn't killed you yet" Oakley says

"He hasn't killed her because she does everything he asks" Eloise points out

"If I don't do what he asks he will get angry. Oh no I was supposed to be right back after getting him something to eat. I got to go but Oakley not everyone can have a laid back Master like you" She says rushing out as she is running out of the room I hear a voice shout her name and continuous apologies are followed.

All the pets seem nice. I get lost in my thoughts again until the clock in the room sounds indicating that it is 6 o'clock.

"I have to go I was supposed to be back 15 minutes ago" I say standing up real fast
"I'll go with you" Oakley says running after me
We run up the stairway and as I am running up I run into my Master. He looks down at me with his cold green eyes.

"Well goodbye Harold, Lets go find something to do Oakley" Lord Sawyer says

So his name is Harold. Sexy.

"Excuse you pet" he says with his voice as cold as his eyes

"I'm Sorry Master" I say quietly

He rolls his eyes and turns back around and walks towards the room. I follow right behind him. When he closes the door he turns to me

"I thought I told you to be back after 15 minutes not 30 minutes"

"I'm sorry Master I lost track of time" I reply
"God you haven't even been here a day and you're already pissing me off"

I honestly haven't done anything to him I don't think.

"I am really pissed and really hungry and since you made me pissed your going to fix my hunger"

My eyes get wide after that statement
He walks towards me and I back up as far as I can away from him until I backup into the bed. He puts his arm on the lower part of my back and brings me close to him. He pushes me hair out of the way and turn my head to his liking.
He starts repeatedly kissing a spot on my neck. Which actually feels good. I feel his teeth scrape the spot where his lips were moments ago then following that I feel a sharp pain going into my neck.

The pain was indescribable, I could feel the blood leaving my neck and also running down my neck. After a few minutes of pain pleasure finally makes its way in. An uncontrollable moan escapes my lips. Soon after the pleasure starts a slight pain comes again as he stands up straight and wipes around his mouth.

"I-I feel really t-tired Master" I stutter as I fall forward into his arms.
Hello so this is the first chapter. So yeah I don't really know where it will go so we'll see what happens. I hope you enjoyed it so comment and hit the heart thingy imma be honest I forgot what it's called so yeah okay goodbye ~ Peyton

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