Chapter 1: Maybe It's All Part Of A Plan

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Katelyn's P.O.V

My name is Katelyn Darst. I'm 17 year old, I'm 5'5 and have long brown hair and light blue eyes. I'm what someone would call a realist, meaning I have a firm grip on reality and I can see things for want they are, not what they are hoped/believed to be. In other words, I know shit happens and love doesn't exist.

Today is my first day of junior year at my new school, in a new country. I know, sucks right? It's all because my piece of shit of a dad decided to cheat on my mom..with a model..a male model. Yep..awkward.

Because of this, my mom and I left that night with all of the things we could take. We used to live in Brighton, England but now we're in America, in Colorado.

I put on my favorite skinny jeans, a tank top, and put on my green army jacket. Then I put black eyeliner all around my eye and coat my eyelashes in mascara. I don't really have anything to cover so I don't bother putting on foundation or concealer, just some powder to take away shine.

Before I head outside to the bus, I take some random pills and take a swing of vodka and walk out the door, hoping it'll make the day go better.

I sit on the bus on the way to school, as I notice this state almost never rains. Compared to Brighton, it's like a desert to me.

I look around the bus and notice how almost everyone is a foot taller than me, making me look like a midget.

As I start daydreaming, the bus suddenly comes to a sudden halt.

I walk out of the bus and start toward the school, with everyone staring at me. It looks like these tossers have never seen a new student in their lives.

As soon as I get to the front doors, some random guy who looks like a prick came up to me..

"Woahhh..I've never seen you before. What's your name?" the unknown guy says.

"My name's Alice. What's yours?" I say, deciding to mess with him and give him a fake name.

"Beautiful name. Name's Christian. Are you new here?" Christian asks.

"Yep" I say simply.

He then gets a big smirk on his face, as if he just came up with the best idea ever.

"What do you say I be your... personal guide to the school for the week? Then maybe you can pay me back with something special?" He says, still smirking.

I decide to mess with him even more and go up onto my tiptoes to whisper into his ear while pressing into his body.. "I would love that..if you weren't a complete dick."

I walk away into the school, leaving him and everyone else around speechless.

Once I reach the office, I see a sweet looking, older lady behind the counter and a pretty good looking guy around 17 in one of the chairs in the waiting room.

I go up to the lady, who looks at me with complete disgust in her eyes. Wow bitch, thanks.

"'m, how can I help you today?" The lady says, judging me with her voice.

"Hi..I'm new and I need my schedule." I say, trying to act as sweet as possible so she won't hate me even more.

"Oh..Are you Katelyn..Dust?" She asks, looking through her computer.

"It's Durst." I say, not trying to act sweet anymore.

"Alright..let me print out your schedule. But stay here afterwards, I have a feeling the principal will want to have a talk with you." She says, the judging tone in her voice only getting worse.

"Um..alright" I say, walking to the chairs in the waiting room where that guy is sitting. There's only two chairs so I decide to sit next to him instead of just standing. I ain't about that standing life.

The guy looks at me with a such a weird look. What the fuck is up with him? I know I don't smell bad and I'm pretty sure I look good considering that Christian guy wanted to be my "personal guide" for the week. He looks like he's about to shit his pants. Poor kid.

I look away and go on my iphone and start scrolling through tumblr. I get lost looking through tumblr when I feel something touch my hand.. I look up to see the guy, trying to tell me that the lady behind the counter had called my name...three times. Whoops...

"Oh..thanks" I say to the guy before getting up to most likely get in trouble for something stupid.

I follow the lady who takes me to an office. The principal's office.

"Hello Katelyn. How are you doing today?" The principal, Mr. Hernandez, says.

"I'm okay." I say, still unsure of why I'm here.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here.." He says, knowing exactly what I'm thinking.

"You're here because your clothes are against the dress code at the school. Your shirt is way too low and cleavage can be seen. I know today is your first day so we'll let it slide but tomorrow just make sure you aren't wearing anything too low. It can be very distracting to some students" He explains to me.

"Not my fault guys can't control their dicks." I whisper quietly, but the Mr. Hernandez still manages to hear me.

"Ms. Durst, we do not tolerate that kind of language here so if you could please refrain from saying any of those words, we would be grateful." He says, trying to make me one of his "good and well-mannered" students here.

"Okay, I'll refrain." I say, already walking out the door.

As I leave the main office, I see that guy again, still sitting there.

" the way..I'm Peter. I'm supposed to show you around the school and take you to your classes" He says, looking very shy. How cute.

"Thanks, but I think I can take it from here. I'll be fine on my own." I respond.

I start walking away when Peter yells from behind me.."Well if you need anything, I'm in almost all of your classes! Don't hesitate to ask for something."

He was cute but not my type. He looked to sweet and cute and happy. I'm not into that..or really anything at the moment. I'd rather not set myself up for heartbreak just like my mom did. My theory is: You don't like someone, you don't get hurt. There's no such thing as love anyways so why even try? If I ever get lonely, one night stands or my dog are always the answer.

Who needs "love?"


First chapter is done!! Hope you liked it! I'll be updating as soon as possible!

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