Dark Eden

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Chapter One "Getting Started":

Dominique was just a regular teenage girl, 16, tall, thin, and beautiful. She attends Albany High School,

in Albany, New York. She was very quiet, and had barely any friends. It was the first day of school. Like any other day, she got up, got dressed, brushed her teeth, and fixed her hair. She walked down stairs. "Good morning," her mother told her, smiling, while pouring a glass of milk for Dominique's younger brother. "Hello!" she told her mom, while sitting down in the chair. "Are you ready for the first day of school?" her mom asked. "I guess I have no choice." she said while sighing. "It will be fine, don't worry about it." her mother said while stroking Dominique's long, black hair. "Oh! The bus is here!" her mother exclaimed. "Bye kids love you! Have a good day!" her mom said. "Bye mom. Oh, and where is dad?" Dominique asked. "He had to go to work early today." she explained. "Like any other day," Dominique said. Dominique walked out of the door with her younger brother, Albie. "Bye Albie!" she yelled. "Bye!" he answered. When she got to school she thought to herself, another grade, equals more problems. She walked into her class, "Hello, I'm Ms. Orr, what's your name?" her teacher asked while putting out her hand to shake Dominique's. "Hi, I'm Dominique," she told Ms. Orr while shaking her hand. She went and sat at the third desk, in the front. Before she knew it, it was lunch time. The bell rang, and everyone got up, and hurried to the cafeteria. On her way to the cafeteria, she ran into Josh, the star foot-ball player of the school. "Oops, sorry!" she said after she bumped into him. "It's fine." he told her while smiling and walking away. "Wow, he's cute!" she said to herself. "Don't get too close, he's the head cheer-leader's boyfriend." a girl said. "Oh, ok. What's your name?" Dominique asked. "Annabell," the girl said while smiling. "Would you like to sit with me for lunch?" Dominique asked. "Sure!" Annabell said. They got their food and sat down. "By the way, I'm Dominique," she said while opening her milk. "Hello, Dominique," Annabell said while giggling. About 30 minutes later, the bell rang, and they went back to class.


Chapter Two, "I didn't mean to steal him.":

It was Friday night and Dominique was going to go to the football game. A little bit before the game, Josh walked up to Dominique, "Hey, you're that girl that ran into me!" he told her. "Yeah," she said while smirking. Just as she said that the head-cheerleader, Nollie, looked up at her. After Josh walked away, Nollie walked up to Dominique, "hi, I'm Nollie. I'm the head-cheerleader. And Josh's girlfriend," she said while taking a sip of her water. "I'm Dominique," she said. Nollie rolled her eyes, and walked away. "Hey Dominique!" Annabell yelled. "Hey!" Dominique said while turning her head to look at her. Annabell sat down next to Dominique as the game started. Later the next week, Dominique and Josh ate lunch together. Nollie walked to the table where Dominique and Josh were. She sat down and started eating silently.  Josh said, "is everyone enjoying their lunch?" "Yes," Dominique answered. Nollie stayed quiet ignoring Josh. Later after lunch, around 3 o'clock, Dominique and Nollie were walking to the next class. Nollie turned around, "you need to stay away from Josh. He's mine!" She exclaimed. "We're just friends," Dominique said while looking around in frustration. "Well, you're a little to friendly," Nollie told her. "We are just friends!" Dominique said with an angry voice. Nollie slapped Dominique with excessive force. Dominique ran to the bathroom crying while Nollie laughed.


Chapter Three, "Burned":

A few weeks later, the school had a bonfire. Of course, Dominique went. As soon as she got there, Josh saw her. He ran up to her to say hi, and as soon as he got there she walked away. He followed her all the way to the bleachers. "What's wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" Josh asked. "Well, your girlfriend, told me to stay away from you. So that's what I'm doing," Dominique said in an upset voice. "Well, I like you. So I'm breaking up with her." Josh said. "What?! Why! You can't! She'll kill me!" Dominique said, panicking. "I'm sorry but I-" just before she finished her sentence, Josh kissed her. They were unaware that Nollie was standing under the bleachers watching them. When they lit up the bonfire Nollie, Dominique, Josh, and Annabell were all standing right next to it. "I saw that you kissed Josh!" Nollie exclaimed. "No, Nollie. Josh kissed me," Dominique said calmly. "I don't care he's mine!" As soon as Nollie said that, she pushed Dominique and Dominique tripped over a log that a few kids were sitting on, and fell in the fire. Nollie rushed over to the fire crying and yelling "I'm so sorry!" And soon enough everyone was over there. The firefighters, police, and ambulance came, and Nollie's and Dominique's parents. Dominique was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Nollie was standing right beside her the whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2011 ⏰

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