She's A Little Runaway

256 21 5

Song of the Day: Boston, by Augustana


"Riley Matthews, here to sign out Alice Friar." Riley said to the woman at the front desk, who nodded to her, and handed her a clipboard. Riley smiled, accepting the clipboard and walking back to her seat, taking a pen to fill out the application.

Your Name: Riley Matthews

Student Name: Alice Friar

Relationship to Student: Mother

Date Picking up: 11/13/21

Date Returning: Never

Reason: My daughter and I will be returning home to the United States, and she can't attend school here if she's living in New York.

Riley brought the forms up to the lady at the front desk, who now had Alice at her side. Alice ran to Riley and jumped up into her arms. Riley accepted the hug and turned to the lady at the desk. "Okay Miss Matthews, you can take your daughter out of here indefinitely."

"We're leaving Mommy?" Alice asked, full of excitement.

"Yeah, you're leaving this place." Riley said, putting her daughter on the ground and holding her daughter's hand as they walked out of the school building.

"Where are we going Mommy?" Alice asked.

"Oh baby, we're going to a state called Vermont. I bought a small cottage there, and it'll be just the two of us. No one will know us there." Riley said.

"But what about Gavin Mommy? Or your other friends?"

Riley sighed. "They aren't in my life for the time being, which unfortunately means that they aren't in yours." Riley said, and she belted her daughter into the car seat. "Try and get some sleep in the car, we have a long drive baby." She said, and every once in awhile, she would check on her daughter.

The past two months had been nothing but crazy. The heists, and Gavin, or Lucas. Well, she had always wanted to see her seventh grade boyfriend again, but she had never imagined this.

"We're here." Riley said, and Alice stretched in her seat, and Riley got out of the car, helping her daughter. Alice was still very sleepy, so Riley picked her up and carried her into her bedroom, taking off her shoes and pulling the comforter over her. Riley went into the kitchenette and made herself a pot of coffee, thinking about the past. Her last conversation with Lucas. After she yelled at him, he still talked to her, and she remembered every word.

"Do you think we'll ever see each other again?" Riley asked Lucas.

The couple was sitting on her bed, looking at the little scrapbook they had made of their relationship. Lucas looked over at Riley, and kissed her forehead. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"How do you think we'll re meet?" Riley asked, rolling over on her side to face him.

"A thousand white horses will carry us away, and it'll be just the two of us." Lucas replied, rolling over like Riley had. They smiled at each other.

"I doubt it will be white horses." Riley paused. "Who knows, you could be a super spy and I a damsel in distress, and you have to save me." She said jokingly.

"That's more realistic than the horses?" Lucas asked.

"Mom." Alice said, walking into the kitchen. Riley smiled, sitting down at the table next to her daughter. "What's for breakfast?" Alice asked, and Riley laughed.

"It's more like lunch sweetie, you were really tired. I can make you a grilled cheese." Riley said, and Alice nodded, practically falling asleep at the table. Riley stood up, reaching for the griddler which she had received as a birthday present from Maya (Maya thought she was being funny.)

On each piece of bread, Riley put a small pad of butter on each corner and put the butter face down against the heat, followed by the cheese. Then the other piece of bread, and then pressing the top of the griddler down. She wasn't the best cook, but she made good grilled cheese.

Riley hadn't always been a good mother. But she was going to change that.

"Here you go." Riley said, placing the plate in front of Alice. The phone rang, and Riley walked over to see the caller I.D. Of course, the only other person who knew about the house. "Found me, have you." Riley said into the phone, and there was a chuckle on the other end of the line.

"The school called. You took Alice out of school." Cory Matthews said into the phone.

"I realized what I was doing was wrong, so I decided to make a change. I'm going to raise Alice right Dad." Riley said through the phone, and her father chuckled.

"Maya called. She told us everything. I'm so sorry Riley. I may not have...agreed on your way of funding Alice's tuition." He paused. "But you're my daughter, and I love you." Cory finished, and Riley smiled widely.

"I love you too Daddy. How's Mom and Aug?" Riley asked.

"They're good. Look Riley, we really miss you. Why don't you come up here for a few weeks, you and Alice can stay in your old bedroom. We'd love to see you." Cory said.

"Would Maya be there waiting to kidnap me so that I have to talk to Lucas?"

"Well..." Cory trailed off, and Riley heard her Mom Topanga yelling in the background. "Gotta go Riles, Aug and I are in trouble with your Mom. See you soon hopefully?" He asked.

"Yeah Dad, I'll see you soon." Riley said, hanging up. Alice looked up from her grilled cheese.

"What are we going to do today Mommy?" Alice asked, and Riley smiled at her daughter.

"We're going to go shopping, and you can pick out whatever you like for your bedroom. Paint, flooring, posters, curtains, a chair, a bed set, dresser, and some other things for your room." Riley said. "So why don't you go get changed and we'll go out."

Alice came back a few minutes later wearing blue jeans and a silver sweater over a tinkerbell shirt. Riley grabbed her car keys and they drove to the mall, buying exactly whatever Alice wanted for her room. When they got home, they lugged everything inside and went to Riley's room and fell asleep.


Hope you liked the chapter. Remember to vote and comment guys. I really like feedback, so I am hoping to have at least three comments before I post again. If there isn't I'll still post, but I'm going to be sad. Love you!

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