The Vampire + The Slayer = One Screwed Up Relationship (Young Dracula fanfic)

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So as the bbc has  made a thrid series of the young dracula tv show that is the best show on Abc3 and Cbbc I decided to a fanfiction where  last episodes of series two left off as it was really good bit it is a cliff hanger so I started at the part where Ingrids boyfriend Will is still alive and is a half fang vampire and creating a bit more romance to it! I plan to write this from Vlad and Ingrids point of veiws and maybe Robins (I can't believe robin won't remember Vlad :(!!!!!). Anyway this should be an idea of what happened inbetween episodes and between series 2 and series 3.


Ingrids p.o.v

I opened up the coffin that Mum gave and got up slowly. I got out and walked to the mirror which was useless as I can't see my reflection. I clicked my finger sending it into flames.

"I don't need that'' I said 

I heard the squeak of a coffin open and found Will getting up.

"Hi Will" I said.

"Hello quite a day yesterday wasn't it" He said

I remeber how Dad was going to but put the death by dawn I would have really like to see him melt to bits in the sun. Then Me and Will would have ruled this family and well Vlad could be a breather if he wanted to what did I care he'd be out of the picture.

"So I was thinking maybe go out to the farm and sit in the sheep paddock and have dinner" Will said.

"Perfect lets" I said

I went down stairs to find that Dad wasn't here even though it was night time.

"Some vampire dear father is" I said

Will laughed.

"Excuse me" A voice said.

I turned around to find Dad standing behind. How could he always have super hearing.

"We're going out" I said.

I opened the door with my mind and ran out using the vampires super stelth and locked the door behind us before ho could argue.

Then we stared at each other and nodded turning into bats and flew into the darkness of the night.

I stopped and shape shifted back on the deserted country road outside Stokly. I looked around at the tree sometimes breathers go for a walk out here at night. I couldn't see Will anywhere.


I screamed

"oh it's you" I said turning around to see Will. 

"Don't ever do that again" I said 

"Ok, ok" Will said.

I loved Will so much he was the meaning to my life. He made a pretty good vampire for a half-fang. Which is of course someone bitten by a True vampire like me with vampire parents useless parents. Mum, Magda was never around off with that werewolf Patrick and his son Barry. She tried to con Dad into believing Patrick's son was Dads and get him to be heir to dad family throne as Vlad doesn't want to the heir or a vampire. Which means if I get dad out of the picture then I get the title of Countess Dracula princess of darkness and Will can be Count whatever his last name is. We will rule this town bringing fear to all of Stokly well mostly me anyway since I'm the evil one he just my love interest and my lovely, caring, kind and dreamy boyfriend.

"So anyway I'm hungry I need blood can go hunt some peasants" Will said trying to be evil.

I love him so much but I wish he'd just stick to the compliments and kisses. Evil isn't his kind of thing.... at a moment anyway I'm kind of training him.

"Ok same I was thinking more sheep the peasant are a bit lets say boring at a moment they not real smart no real hunt there they need to lean to run like us" I said using my powers and moved a 1km into the distance in less than 1 second. I waited and used my bat hearing to see if I could here him.

"Why did you run off Ingrid" Will asked me using his powers

"I was just proving my point" I said.

"Ok well meet you at the farm" He said

"Ok"  I said.

I transformed into a bat and flew to the farm and stood in the sheep field. To my suprise I found Will had beaten me there. He grabbed my icy cold hand and placed it in his cold hand making both of them fell warm. I placed my hand on his chest. The beat of a vampire...................nothing. We the undead couldn't breathe I already dead two months ago on my sixteenth birthday when the blood mirror gave me a reflection and powers. I hated my reflection it wanted me to kill Will I ran from it for a day and it even tried to kill Will. I had won the battle and it gave in letting me take the evil and powers I wanted as I merged with my reflection.

I felt him touch my check Will held me close and kissed me I felt the Icy touch of a vampire. I kissed him back I stood there in the field in the middle of a cold night kissing Will for ages 20 minutes I stopped not because I needed a breath (I can't breathe anyway). Because I was hungry. Will looked shocked. We stood there staring into each others eyes. His beautiful scent and his looks and of course his eyes. Everything about us was to capture our prey sometimes it made me sick. If all Vampire were attractive how could we no which one was prettier than the other. I closed my eyes and felt the coolness of will lips brush up against mine. I pulled away and looked for a sheep to eat.

I found one and dug my fangs in and began to drink the refreshing taste of blood. But what I really longed for was the blood of a human. I looked at Will draining the blood from a sheep. I stopped I couldn't kill it would be cold hearted of me I let it go and went back home I clicked my finger opening the coffin and I got in and went to sleep. Was there a point in being evil? I didn't when I had Will.

"Ingrid get up now" I heard Dad say

I ignored him. Then the coffin opened.

"What I was sleeping peacefully" I said

"You need to prepare for the crowning of the next grand master you need to do the house work there are no cobwebs in sight make some" Dad said.

I sighed then I remembered why I was evil. I was neglected by Dad he didn't care about me only Vlad I was a girl and because of that I was nothing to him I sighed Mr Count Dracula betta what his back.

I sighed as I fell asleep in my coffin and heard Will coming back. Hopefully the dream world would be fun tonight.

The Vampire + A Love life + A slayer = One Screwed Life (Young Dracula fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now