Who was I? I was Rosaline Highcrest. (Oh sorry, I mean the Freak)

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“Hey guys look, it's the spawn of Satan.”

“Hey weirdo, this isn't the freak show. Get out of here.”

“Oh my god ew! It looked at me with its disgusting eye!”

Well, I'm no longer even surprised by those comments. They've been thrown at me since I first started school.

The name's Rosaline Highcrest, the girl with a ruby red and a pitch black eye — the freak, the spawn of Satan, or whatever along those lines. Thanks to these eyes, I've been isolated and not been able to make a single friend. Which I have no complaints whatsoever, until their verbal attacks became physical. Of course I told my parents nothing.

Heck, do they even have the right to be called my parents? Even if I did tell them, they'd probably do nothing about it. I've even been alienated by my own parents! Ever since I was born, they acted like I never existed, but at least they had the decency to take care of me when I was a baby. And that went out the window when I hit middle school.

The only thing that I know will never leave me is my beloved garden. I love gardening, it's nice to think that putting effort into growing something can make it beautiful. Like painting. If the world can be like a garden — the more you work on it, the more beautiful it becomes — then all my problems would be gone.

But that's only wishful thinking.

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