First meeting

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I was walking to a cafe before I go work on my part-time job on the Starbucks. I sit down and wait for someone come and make my order. This is practically my routine, I come here everyday and sit on the same table and order the same thing but I can't take this anymore , I'm sick of this, I'm sick of this life ,I'm sick of working on the Starbucks and making order for those stupid and rude people and they don't even pay me good for that but I know there is a lot of people like me or even worst than me out there but I want to have a life , a good life , I want to go to a university and become a good doctor but you know what ? I can't because I don't have money and that's the life problem, money. Finally someone come make my order after some minutes.
" I want a frappucino " i said smiling " the same as always right miss Jung ? " the worker grinned and walked away. Miss Jung ? Why does people keep calling like that ? That make me feel older but I'm still only 20 years old. At least could call me by my first name jessica or maybe jess for close friends. I sighed and looked around , everything  seems the same as everyday, but something catch my eyes on the next table in front of me , it was a boy.

It was a boy, he was was arguing with the waiter saying is coffee taste like shit , how rude.
According to my calculations he seems rich I mean I he was wearing a suit , a black suit, his hair was fixed and I could notice he had tattoos on his fingers , maybe he was Rich freak ? Don't know but someone he catched my eyes , I'm not sure if it was because he was arguing really loud or because of that perfect suit.
" miss ? Miss are you hearing me ? " I looked up and I saw the waiter call me.
" oh sorry I was distracted " I smiled awkwardly and took the frapuccino and took a sip of it " I could noticed , I called you a 3 times" the waiter said. I was surprised that I couldn't had hear the waiter call me but anyway I didn't really care. After a while the cafe was silence again , that chic boy wasn't arguing anymore and I was thank full. To tell the truth I hate fights and when it is to loud , ugh I prefer calm stuff. I looked at my watch and it was 10 am " OMG I'm going to be late ! " I was going to be late , no not again ! My boss will faired me if I'm late again ! I stood up really quickly and I leave some money on the table for my drink.
I walked to the door but somehow I stumbled on something that I couldn't see on the floor and I let my drink , the  unfinished drink I had on my hand falling on that chic boy suit. I looked at the boy and I bowed my head  " I'm so sorry sir " he looked at me angrily and stood " sorry ? You think a sorry will help ?! " he rolled his eyes , I was so embarrassed because 1. Everyone was looking at Me and hate to be the central of the attention 2. It fell in his pants , on that place !!! How embarrassing this day can't get worse. He continued " sorry won't get the stains of my new suit ! " I looked down with guilty, he was such a jerk and I wanted to kick him so hard right now but I just content me and still quite " I already said sorry so..." I turned around to leave but I feel someone grabbing my arm really hard " you aren't going anywhere unite you paid for my suit " I sighed and turned around to him . Miss bla bla im already late to my job so just leave me alone. I laughed " excuse me ? Buy you what ?" I raises an eyebrow looking at him. There was no how I buy him a suit " buy me a suit " he said with a serious expression.
" ok , how much is it ? " I was waiting he was going to say at least 100 $ but when I heard his answers my jaw drops
" ok first 300 $ for my tie , so I'm  pretty sure you can imagine the rest " he said and my jaw drops completely. 300 $ for a tie ? What a hell ? Does it even exist ? What does he think I am ? A millionaire maybe ? I don't even I have money to my sister school !
" 300 $ ? I'm not paying! And how can I believe you are telling the thrust ? You can be lying ? " he can be lying to get more money even I don't believe that's the reason.
He laughed and said " miss slitty eyes , I'm making you a discount, you pay me just 500 $ " did he just call me slitty eyes ?! I know I'm a Asian, I mean half Asian but I can't take when someone call me that.
" What did you call me ? " I was completely angry right now , I didnt want to talk to him anymore I just wanted to leave before I start to beat his ass up. I grabbed my wallet and took 100 $ and gave it to him " that's all I got "
He took the money and laughed and grabbed me " I said 500 $ , you own me 400 $ right now " he smiled and took his phone from his pocket and took a picture of me. What was he doing ? He just took a picture of me ?
" Don't try to run away now , I have a picture of you so I can find you anywhere " he stopped grabbing my arm and let me go
" yeah like you could find me " I rolled my eyes and turned around to leave and I stopped and i noticed no one was looking so I turned around again to him and kicked his leg hard " don't even try to call me slitty eyes again boy ! " I leave and my heart was betting so fast that I thought I was dying " oh god " i walked fast to my work and try to forgot about the boy that I don't even know the name but I didn't want to know either and I didn't need to because I wasn't going to see him anymore , was what I thought ....

Forbidden loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora