Lust and pain

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I somehow I got inspired to write a long dirty Adommy one shot, because idk I was in the mood^^
Enjoy reading!


WARNING: sexual content

Tommy's POV:

I've had no job for two months now. It sucks. Actually my whole life sucks. The little apartement I live in is a total mess, but I don't feel like cleaning it or something. I have barely eaten today, I hope I have still enough money to order some pizza.

Maybe my life will change if I get that job.... yesterday I heard of some gay singer, who needs a bass player for his tour. What was his name? Adam something. I don't care. I just need this job! Actually I'm better at playing guitar, than playing bass, but I was told that this Adam already has a guitar player. Well, tomorrow is the audition. And I won't miss this chance!

*next day*

I came into the audition room with my guitar case in my hand. Adam Lambert - I remember his name - and his guitar player are sitting on a small couch. Adam stands up, comes towards me and shakes my hand.

"Hey, I'm Adam, this is Monte and you are?"

"Tommy. Tommy Joe Ratliff actually."

"Tommy Joe Ratliff...." Adam repeats slowly and looks straight into my eyes.

"What a sexy name!" He whisperes. "You're auditioning as bass player? Then show us what you can do!"

He goes back to the couch, watching me. Somehow I got nervous and drop my guitar case. When I lean down to pick it up, I kinda feel Adam staring at my butt. Should I tell him that I'm not gay? I may look gay, because of my make up and nailpolish, but that's just my style. I will tell him. After I got the job.

I start playing. I know that I'm good. Adam is watching me the whole time. Seems like he doesn't even care, whether I play good or not. After I finished Adam claps his hands.

"That was amazing! You're in."

Monte gives him a sceptical look. Yeah, it's kind of weird, because I'm the first one to audition. I'm happy though.

Adam leads me into another room to tell me about the tour dates and stuff. He closes the door behind us, than stares at me with a serious face. I'm confused and take some steps backwards until I reach the wall. Adam comes towards me and I try to not look at him. Now he's close to me and lifts my chin up with one hand, still staring at me. Okay, he's starting to scare me. Maybe I should clear things up...

"I'm not gay!" I say and try to get rid of him.

"Who cares?" He replies before he grabs my neck and smashes his lips into mine.

First I struggle against the kiss, but... this can't happen! I start to enjoy it. Wtf I mean, we've just met and I'm straight. How can I feel like that? It's not right! Adam recognizes that I like it. What scares me is: I do like it! Or I'm not sure. One part of me wants to break the kiss and slap Adam, the other part wants... more? Somehow I can't move, I try to get away, but I can't. I try to leave when I have to stay.

Adam breaks the kiss and breathes heavily.

"I want you! But we can't do it here and now. Let's meet at my place this evening."

He tells me his adress and leaves.

What is he going to do to me? Whatever it is - I'm not sure, whether I want it. I'm still confused. Did he really kiss me? DID I REALLY LIKE IT? I guess I did, although I've never liked a man before. Adam is different. He's someone special. But there's still something, that makes me feel uncertain...

Lust and pain (Adommy one shot)Where stories live. Discover now