Once upon a time there was a group of friends who decided to go on a trip to one of the most beautiful cities in the world, London. They all made plans, got their suitcases packed, booked their plane ticket and of course four rooms in one of the countryside hotel. They were so excited to finally have a time off school, just 4 friends trying to follow their own way of how they have fun on spring-break. Ethan, Ashley, Rico and Damian were four friends who always wanted to travel, have fun and enjoy the little time they have off school so they decided that visiting a very elegant and charming city would be a very nice way to spend their vacation. They got on time at the airport and checked in their luggage, after a while they got in the plane and it took off. Chicago-London was a very long flight so during it the group discussed what they wanted to do while they were in London, the places they wanted to visit and how much fun they were going to have. When the plane landed everyone was ready and excited to be there so they took a cab from the airport to the hotel and they were surprised on how long the car ride was and how much distance there was from London to the hotel which was in the countryside. When they arrived at the Winchester's Hotel they were kind of disappointed to see that the building was very old and very much "out of order" but they decided to get over it since they booked the hotel only to stay for the night cause during the day they were going to explore the big city. As they walked in the reception area they noticed that the hotel is actually looked worse inside so they went up to the receptionist and requested their room keys. Eric's room was in the fourth floor and so was Ashley's. Rico's room was in the second floor and Damian's room was in the second room. She gave each of them their keys but when it came to Damian she said: "The only room we had available for you was in the third floor. It is the 7th one on the right while you go there, there will going to be a thin door (where the closet is) do me and yourself a favour and please do not go in there or the consequences will be permanent". All of the other friends thought that that was a joke but Damian actually took it seriously and started to sweat just from the fear of the moment. His friends told him to just shake it off and not mind what the receptionist had just said but even if everybody assured him that nothing strange was in that hotel he would have to see it in black and white to believe it. Everyone thought they were tired and they went up to their rooms to rest well cause they had a lot to do tomorrow but on their way to their room Damian was shaking out of fear because he was so nervous to walk past the "closet". When he finally made it into his room he immediately changed into his pyjamas and fell asleep. The alarm rang for all of them to wake up in the morning and they decided to first take a walk in the Hyde Park, go to the London Eye for some sight-seeing, have fun in the Madame and finish the night off at a bar in the centre of the town. While they were discussing about what to do next Damian couldn't take his mind off the pressure he was going to feel yet again tonight when he walk past that closet and what lurks in that floor. Ashley noticed how zoned out he was in every single of their conversations and finally asked him: "Is there something wrong?"-"No, nothing. I'm fine." -"Damian you know you can tell me everything right? Is it about that creepy thing the receptionist said cause to be completely honest if I worked there for longer than a day I would start acting crazy too, but don't worry we only stay there just to spend the night and you know we can't really afford other hotels, they're way too expensive. My point is don't worry about it , come on you're in London I mean we have been planning to come here for months. Light up. " -"Yeah maybe you're right, I worry too much about everything..." Even though he said that he still was really frightened by the entire stressful anxiety that that place caused him to have. The day was over drastically fast and when they started to go to the hotel Damian's face was really pale that he managed to make his friends wonder what was wrong. They all climbed up the stairs and when it came to the second floor Ashley was nice enough that she offered to walk him to his room but Damian didn't want to look such a wimp in front of her so he said that he was fine and that he got over it but really on his head he was wishing so bad for her to walk him over to his room. He started walking towards the end of the hallway and he could have sworn he heard scratching at the "closet" door. He stopped on his tracks and was thinking intensely about what his next move should be and without any further ado he walked with extreme speed to his room and when he got there he immediately locked the door, got into his bed, put the covers up his head and prayed to god for the morning to come as soon as possible. The next day he had no choice but to confess to his friends about what he had heard that night and after so many discussions and them telling him that he should stop being so scare and there are no such things as ghost they decided that tonight they are going to find out what the hell is in that tiny room. They finish their tour for the day in the Buckingham Palace and head back to the hotel a little early than usual so they have time to figure the closet out. When they got there they all stood in front of the closet kind of not knowing what to do and then someone suggested to knock. Damian said "Are you crazy? God knows what's in there. It could be anything a ghost, a spirit, an alien but whatever is in there I am sure it doesn't want to be disturbed" -"WOW!! You're seriously telling me you actually believed that crazy receptionist girl. Let's just knock. What's the big deal?" said Eric with not even a glimpse of fear in his face. -"Look, we all know that nothing extreme can be found in there but Damian is right maybe there is someone in there and for all we know he genuinely doesn't want to be disturbed."-"Alright, fine, don't know but how else are you going to find out what is in there?"-"Letsjust look in the keyhole and call it a night I too am getting tired of this." Everyone looks in it and all they see is an extremely pale women facing out the window with a white dress on and if it wasn't for her posture and the fact that she was standing up you could've just assumed she was dead. The friends were kind of terrified from it but they tried to act cool and just not talk about it anymore and in a strange way the kind of cared less about the closet. All of them except from Damian. He was absolutely mortified and his fear only increased causing him to have really bad nightmares that night. Ashley too was worried about what his reaction was going to be that night and when he told him the next morning that his anxiety and fear got worse she convinced the other guys to have a look in the closet tonight too. Eric and Rico were really tired just wasting their time in the second floor but they wanted to do it for Damian so again they came to the hotel early enough to go near the closet but this time when they made Damian look in the keyhole and assure him nothing bad will happen. After Damian looked he told all of his friends that all he saw was red. The night went on Eric and Rico not worrying at all, Ashley worried about Damian and Damian scared to his death one more night and it was the first time in his life that he had ever wished for a holiday to end faster. The next day everyone wanted to go shopping but Damian said that he wanted to go to a library cause he said the only thing that would calm him down and give his brain a break was to read. He loved reading. Every single kind of book: mystery, drama, comedy, science-fiction. Everything so he went to the library in hopes that he would get fascinated with one of the old English Literature books but no, he came across one that it was the last thing he wished to come across to. "Winchester's House Massacre". Ashley, Eric and Rico were having way too much fun in their brunch that they thought that Damian would be fine. He was in a library and god knows when he would stop his reading so... They had a nice dinner and came back to the hotel and Ashley wanted to check on Damian just so she know that nothing weird happened that night to him so she went over to his room and knocked but she didn't get a response. She knocked again but still... Nothing. Finally she convinced herself that he was probably too tired from reading all day that he probably fell asleep at once. She went up to her room and in the morning when her alarm woke her up she got up got herself ready and went downstairs only to meet with two guys. Eric and Rico. -"Where's Damian?" she asked already starting to panic.-"We don't know we thought you would have a clue... Have you seen him this morning at all?"-"No, I haven't seen him since yesterday when he told me he would be going to the library, I went to check on him last night, I knocked on the door and nobody answered I figured he would be asleep tired from all the reading."-"Well, he is nowhere to be found. I don't think we should call the police right now maybe we should just look for him our self-first and then get the cops"-"I don't know I'm really getting scared. What if he got lost and couldn't find his way. What if he's in a street corner right now calling for help" Ashley's voice already starting to crack since she was about to start crying and she was genuinely worried about Damian. They eventually spent their day looking for him, going to the library asking everybody there if they had seen him, checking street corners to see if he was there and at last they gave up for the day and went back to the hotel in hopes that they would be able to cancel their flight which was the first thing tomorrow in the morning and when they went there out of nowhere Ashley asked the creepy receptionist: "Excuse me can you please tell me everything there has to know about that closet "-"It's very private and I don't think you really want to know" said the receptionist stretching out the "really"-"Well, I do want to know cause unfortunately my best friends life depends on it now you either tell me or I'll sue this place close it and burn it to the ground"- "Well, If it's like that fine I'll tell you. This was actually a house and used to belong to the Winchesters. They were a very happy family until one day the father and their only daughter died in an accident and only Mrs. Winchester survived. She had extreme traumas and kind of lost it after her husband's and daughter's death and she went to visit a psychologist who advised her to start rebuilt this house if she doesn't want to be haunted by the husband's and daughter's ghost. And so she did. She wrecked it and started to build it all over again and when she arrived at a certain point where her mental disorder completely fought her body she died in that same closet at the second floor."-"So the ghost we saw in the closet is Mrs. Winchester?"-"Well she's not really a ghost. A ghost is completely invisible she is a spirit that is extremely pale in the skin and everything about her is white her dress everything. Except their eyes. They're RED.