I got tagged

59 5 12

Tagged by FrostyCuppyCake

1° Shoes or High heels? She wears high heels I wear sneakers...

2° Ninjago or TMNT? TMNT rocks but Ninjago has no comparison #TeamNinjago

3° Chocolate or Skittles? Chocolate

4° Ed Sheeran or Shawn Mendez? Big Time Rush

5° Science or Social Studies? Social Studies, I suck at science

6° Dad or Mom? Both, both drive me insane... -_- if that's what you're asking

7° Camp Blood or Hogwarts? Hogwarts! Leviosa madafakas! (updated months later XD NOPE CHB!! Changed my mind badly :'D but I wanna be a demigodess)

8° Dresses or jeans? Depends, for what?

9° Movies or TV? Internet

10° Favorite pet? My last pet died when I was 3 years old

11° Make up? Barely

12° Braces? Yes :( silver ones

13° Favorite Ninjago Character? Jay :3

14° Favorite Camp Blood/Hogwarts Character? Percy and Harry

15° Godly parents blessed by...? IDK

16° Song that represents you? You belong with me by Taylor Swift. Not the part of the love but I'm definetly the blonde of that video XD

17° Deepest desire? Become a ninja XD

18° Random Person on Wattpad that you can trust? nerdycliffxrd, Ninjago-TMNT-fanluv, Lightning_Ninja_Jay and Ninjago_TMNT_Fandom the 4 girls are amazing and I give fully trust them

19° Fact about yourself I got in the Ninjago fandom when I was in the hospital.

20° Tag 20 people I'm too lazy so just 4:

* nerdycliffxrd

* Ninjago-TMNT-fanluv

* Lightning_Ninja_Jay

* Ninjago_TMNT_Fandom

If you want to do it you can but these are the only ones I can think for tags right now...

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