The Best Accident -- Under editing

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   It was a dark night, and I was walking home from the club, a little tipsy. It was my 21st birthday and I had just left my first clubbing party. I tripped because my heels were too high. Only two inches but I'm not known to be graceful at all. I just laid there for about three minutes, not really sure when to get up until I saw a short and elfish figure walk towards me.

  The figure of a shadow asked, "Are you okay?" I decided that it was a boy from it's deep like undertone and groaned in reply. "Ehhhhhh" I lifted up my head to get a better view of him to only see that he had sandy blonde hair and green eyes. He helped me up but I tripped again, but this time I didn't fall on the ground but into the stranger's arms. My face turned bright pink, thank god it was dark. I looked up and realized he looked eerily familiar.

I looked up at him and said, "Fancy meeting you here in the middle of the night." He chuckled and said, "I'm Liam, and you are?" I looked up at him, "Drunk." I stated obviously with a roll of my eyes. "I noticed" he laughed. "My name is Alexia." I say softly, wondering who this stranger was and if he was a genuinely nice guy or a murderer waiting to happen.

Wow! I thought, That has to be one of the cutest laughs I've ever heard!

"Let me walk you home miss Alexia, if you can remember where you live." I looked around confused, checking my surroundings. I started to talk but then closed my mouth. I took out my phone, checked the time, and looked up.

"2256 67th street, second floor apartment C12" I say quickly. "I think."

"Well if it isn't then we're in for one heck of a night" He said and laughed his amazing and brillant laugh once again making my heart flutter unknowingly. I look up at him and joined in on the laughing.

We started walking towards 67th street and Liam started bombarding me with questions. Questions like: "Whats your last name?", "Where were you born?", "What elementary school did you go to?", "When's your birthday?", "Whats your favorite color?" I myself, didn't know whether to answer such personal questions to a stranger, no matter how drunk I was.

Then he stopped, "Did you get married in kindergarden?"

"Uh...yeah. Why?" I asked curiuosly

"Tell me all about it!" he says way more eagerly than I would think

"Ok, We were 6 and his name was..." My eyes slowly got wide in realization as I looked into his green ones. "Liam." I whispered quietly as his face struck up like a Christmas tree. That's why he had looked familiar, we were together like glue all the time when they were younger. He had grown. And god, puberty had thrown a damn rock at him.

"Liam, my mom used to talk about you all the time, you moved away on my 7th birthday. I cried for hours and even a new American Girl doll didn't cheer me up. Jesus Christ! You gave me the worst birthday present ever! I had the biggest crush on you!!!"

He looks at her with the guiltiest look on his face, "Sorry?" He manages out. "I didn't mean to - Well I mean, my parents had to move for their jobs."

"That's your excuse?!" I blurt out angrily. I didn't know where this sudden frustration came from since it had been years since I  had seen the guy, and only once did I manage to run into him when we were 18 but he was with a girlfriend and wouldn't even acknowledge that he had recognized me.

He'd been shamefully looking at his shoes for a while he looks up and says "Um...I think we're at your apartment."

"Yeah well I'm still mad at you so I'm going to need your phone number so can rant at you later." I say with a smirk on my face. He smiles and says,

"I guess I'm going to have to give you my number. It's 567-546-201" I smile and realize I just gave my phone number to a stranger, but I mean he's not actually a stranger we did know each other in kindergarten. People change though, people can become bad, and oh god what did I just do?! I start to panic and of course I blurt out,

"Are you a murderer? Serial killer? Axe murderer? Arsonist?" His face goes slack with an open mouth and a dumbfounded look on his face. I shut my mouth and stare. Jesus Christ what did I just say? Well to be fair, I should've asked him that the first time he helped me up.

"Um...No?" he says looking at me like I'm crazy. "I assure you I am none of those things. Did I come off as a murdurer? Cause people always tell me that." he says. I step back involunterily. "No, no, no I'm joking Alexia. I'm not any sort of killer."

"Okay. Just sorry I'm drunk you can't blame  me." Well I mean I wasn't completely drunk but he didn't need to  know that. I should probably go inside now but I really don't want to, but of course I follow my stupid heart

 "So...." and I crane my neck  forward and whisper "I really hope you don't think I'm crazy." I turn on my heel and walk into my apartment complex. He thought I was going to kiss him I could see it in his eyes. A kiss when I had just mat my long lost "husband"? Way too cliche. 

I whip the door open, he's still standing there and I give in a kiss on the cheek. I look up and laugh at the awe on his face. I step back inside and feel a rush of heat in my cheeks. Cliche? YES. Worth it all the same.

A/N: So first chapter, hope it's not TOO boringly romantic and stupid. I don't really care if you vote or not, but comments/suggestions would be nice OK SO YEAH JUST KINDA IGNORE IT CUZ I NEED TO EDIT BUT YUP- The Sophia

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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