Ezra's training

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Ezra's POV

We landed in an empty field its morning the day after the rescue I walked outside ready for Jedi training. My sister is still asleep inside the ghost after what happened she was the one how was tired the most.
''Let's get started.'' Kanan said to me.
''I thought Y/n was joining us?'' I said
''She need all the rest she can get she's still weak after what happened.'' He said
''Right.'' Ezra said
''Were going to try lifting stuff again.'' Kanan said
''Yea remember what happened last time?'' I told him
''It was because you went focus.'' He said
''No it was because chopper locked him self down.'' I said
''Will we'll not use him then. Try lifting that crate off the ghost.'' He said pointing to it. I turned to it and held out my hands but nothing happened.
''I can't.'' I said
''Your not focused in of try again.'' He said I tried again and the crate moved up a few inches.
''Good. Now take it off the ship.'' Kanan Said i was Abel to do it I put my hands down and looked at him.
''That was better then last time.'' Kanan said
''Really?'' I asked
''Yes.'' He said
We trained for a while on lifting stuff he made do chopper of course he locked him self down then Kanan told him not to I was Abel to lift him and he freaked out.
''Come on chop it wasn't that bad.'' I said.
''OK Ezra get out your light saber.'' Kanan said I did and he pulled his out.
''What's the point in this?'' I asked
''You need to be ready for anything.'' He said I had my back to the ghost he came at me and I blocked him he quickly switch I saw him and blocked him too.
''Good you getting the hang of this.'' He said to me I smiled he backed up I was a little confused when all of the sudden someone jumped on my back.

Your POV

You watched from the top of the ghost for a signal from Kanan saying to jump on Ezra you watched as Kanan attacked Ezra and he stepped back a few feet. ''That was the signal he talked to you about.'' You thought you jumped from the ghost on top of your brother being caught by surprised he threw you off and pointed his light saber at you as you laid on the ground.
''You scared me.'' He said you started to laugh Kanan could help but laugh with you.
''Its not funny.'' Ezra said
''It kind of is.'' You said getting up.
''At less you were prepared when that happened.'' Kanan said Ezra was a little mad.
''Cheer up brother your lucky it wasn't zeb.'' You said he agreed with you.
''You fixed your shirt.'' He said.
''No Hera went to the market and got me a new shirt.'' You said it was still the same blue color and long sleeve two. Just then chopper came up behind you and started shocking you. You jumped and Ezra started laughing then chopper started shocking him.
''Chopper.'' He yelled chopper laughed and wheeled away as fast as he could.
''Oh no you don't.'' You said holding out your hands and stopped him Ezra then kicked him and he jumped back you stared laughing as kanan shook his head.
''Ezra.'' He said he walked back to you two.
''You have to be ready for anything even sneak attacks.'' You said your brother just looks at you.
''What didn't you expect me to help teach you?'' You asked
''No I thought you were training with me.'' He said
''I'm done with training Ezra.'' You said
''Will that does make more since.''he said you shook your head you see a boulder and go over to it.
''Lifting something is one thing but lifting your self is another.'' You said they followed you. You clime unto the bolder you stand on your hands facing them.
''I all ready tried that.'' He said
''Just watch.'' Kanan said you closed your E/c eyes and pushed off instead of falling to the ground you float there.
''Wow.'' Ezra said you heard Kanan walk.
''OK Y/n I'll catch you.'' Kanan said you opened eyes and fell Kanan caught you and put you on the ground.
''Now you try.'' You said Ezra got on the bolder and did the same thing as you but was having trouble letting go.
''Focus.'' Kanan said
''I am.'' He said you look at kanan and he nodded you clime up behind Ezra and pushed him he acted and floated there you smiled.
''Ezra your doing it.'' You said
''Wait I am?'' He said loading focus he fell on top of Kanan.

Ezra's POV

I fell on top of Kanan Y/n jumped down and helped us up.
''Will that went will.'' Kanan said
''Why did you push me.'' I asked
''You wouldn't let go.'' Y/n said shrugging.
''Very funny.'' I said
We continued to train Kanan soon had to go leaving me and my sister it was fun we did sneak attacks and used the force when we were done we started walking back to the ghost I bumped into Y/n playfully she did the same I fell to the floor to be funny she helped me up.
''Hey remember the thing we used to do when we were little kids?'' She asked we were still holding on to each other's hands I put mine down she saw me and looked down in disappointment. I turned to her.
''Together.'' I said putting up my left arm like half of an A she turned to me and smiled.
''Forever.'' She said doing it with her right arm our hands locked
''United.'' We said moving our arms we let go of each other and laughed.
''You remembered it.'' She said
''Of course I would I used to love doing that.'' I said

Ezra X Female Reader| #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now