He didn't open the door for Me

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I like him. I liked him a lot. We were the same. Many shared interests. Not the same intellect level. He probably is many light years ahead. I don't care though. He's a little attention whore. If he isn't in it, he feels like he therefore must retaliate. By doing so all eyes are on him. I had never seen a side of him like that treat me that way. He had always been so sweet and nice. Holding the door open and making up a dumbass nickname. I was so fooled. I slightly knew how he was before. But, I just needed to experience it myself. I did. I partially am satisfied and regretful. The things he said were hurtful. I felt like complete shit afterwards. I don't know if its that i'm extremely sensitive or that what he said was just intentionally make me feel this way. Regardless of the where our relationship lied. He didnt care. Especially about my feelings. That was one harsh bullying experience. After, I decided to make amends. I could have apologized. But, decided not to because of his cruel words. I felt as if he shouldn't have talked me that way even over me stealing his video. Now, when I think about it I shouldn't have gone so far as to make a video about. I could've at least tagged him. But, I didn't I just tagged Naomi. He felt excluded so put all of his defensive moves on me. It was like a game. Anyway.

After making 'amemds', I completely ignored him in school. Anywhere, I tried being as far away from him as possible. He's fake and somewhat of a short temper. Two faced. One side is all nice and crap and the other is a complete dick and monster who will destroy anything to get what it wants. He likes Emma. But not like dating. Friends. They work. But, Emma isnt really funny or at least I dont think she is. She's smart, possibly the same intellectual level as him or higher. But, if they end up dating, good for them. He found a girl that could tolerate him and she found a guy.

But, as not so subtly avoided him, he definitely caught on and we are now just des camarades. How I know why? He didn't hold the door open for me. Why is this a big deal? Because in most common situations where you are empty handed it xan possible reveal a characteristic about this person or feelings toward me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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