First day

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It was already the middle of freshman year when my mom got a job in Minnesota where we had to move but of course I still have to do my "education" so I get here at this school my mom makes me go to the principals office where they hand me a paper it's my schedule first class I have is health.

So I walk to room 410 I'm already terrified I'm really shy so who knows... 

Hello, you must be Angel

I get out of my daydream


Attention class we have a new student named Angel,
Come on come in child
I walked in still very shy
Everyone's looking at me
I hate this feeling
Well Angel you can have a seat next to Justin he's in the back row the one with the green hair
Ugh oh okay thank you
I sit down trying not to freak out because I know everyone's staring at me...
Class go's by and all of a sudden I hear a really soft voice
Hi I'm Justin
I tern  my head I think I just fell in love
Hi, I'm Angel
Justin laughs I know
Anyways what's you're schedule and I can show you around if you want he says scratching his neck?
Oh..that would be great I say I have health class, social studies,Ela,lunch,Pe,Math,then science
Wow we have health  math pe and Lunch together
But you have ela math and science with my brother Damon
And you have social studies math with my other brother Dustin
Oh cool that would be great
So tell me a little about yourself ok well we moved here from Phoenix I'm 15 I love bands I'm often considered scene goth or Emo when in reality I'm just me not any of those things and well there's not much to say about me, so tell me about you...

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