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After waking up to a dreadful screech, Maggie proceeded to get ready while tuning out Patricia. The woman's personality was so ugly, it spread to her face making her an ugly she-devil. Maggie's father married two months after her mother died, then he divorced and remarried. Five times, leaving Patricia to be the sixth person her dad has married. All she was waiting for was the inevitable divorce.

Maggie sighed and leaned against the door frame, not ready for another day of fucking high school. She was ready to leave this family and go travel. Of course, she had to wait until she was done with high school which wouldn't be for another two months. After she gets her diploma, she was getting the fuck out of that sleepy town that had loved to trap and suffocate her.

She had gotten dressed in her usual black attire that screamed, "Don't fucking talk to me unless you're important." Unfortunately, most people did not get the fucking message and took her apparel as a welcoming sight. What dumbasses. Maggie did have a heart though, and she felt bad whenever she did something wrong. The problem wasn't that she had no heart, it was that her heart was too big. She got easily attached to anyone who was nice to her, considering that the world was a big piece of shit. She wore what she wore to ward off any people that might break her heart, bit by bit.

Still, Maggie forced herself to start the engine in her Jeep. She always thought the sooner she got there, the sooner she'll get to go home. Obviously, that wasn't true, but to Maggie it was hope. Hope that she'll survive another torturous day of lectures about stuff that she already knew about. Hope that she wouldn't slap a bitch because they got on her last fucking nerve. Hope that when she gets home, her dad wouldn't be fucking Patricia on the living room couch like the last 20 times.

Maggie had arrived at the school in no time. Fortunately, there was a parking space right in front of the school. That was until the ugly pink piece of shit that calls itself a convertible rolled up and took the fucking space. She had no patience for this today, she woke up in a worse mood than she usually was in. Usually, she would ignore this and find another spot, but today was the day to drag some bitches through the asphalt. She was about ready to fucking kill someone.

She honked her horn for a good minute, making the chick in the car jump out of her open door and onto the floor. She whipped her head around and noticed Maggie fucking her up with her stare.

"Honey, you better move your ugly ass, hot pink, piece of shit before I run it over," she shouted over the purr of her engine. The brunette only glares and flipped her off. Maggie sighed, having zero fucking patience for this situation. She mumbled an okay and nearly drove into the girl while she was walking. She knew what she was doing, and so did the girl because she swung her bag and hit the front of Maggie's jeep.

Maggie took a deep breath and counted to ten. She then proceeded to park her care and pull the keys out of the ignition. She strolled, oh so confidently, to the hot pink trash in front of her. She smiled her famous sarcastic smile and keyed the bitches car all while staring her right in the eye.

"Move your car before I slash your tires too," Maggie threatened the short girl. The girl feverishly nodded her head as she stepped back into her car and put it in reverse. Maggie jumped back into her matte grey Jeep and successfully pulled into the parking spot. She still had a half an hour or so until school started, so she opened her glove compartment and took out the soup she had left in there the night before.

Blasting her music, Maggie popped the lid off and began slurping. A knock on her window almost made her spill it all over her crotch. Mumbling a string of colorful words that she wouldn't let her dad hear her say, she rolled down her window and glared at her only friend for interrupting her breakfast.

"What do you want you asshole," Maggie huffed, putting the lid back on her unfinished soup. Her friend reached through the opening and smacked the back of Maggie's head.

"Is that how you're going to talk to the only person that bothers to talk to you?" The tall ombré haired girl said, smiling smugly.

"Oh shut up, I only talk to you because you're the most tolerable. Plus, you're the only one that sees how much I fucking hate everyone." Maggie stepped out of her car only to remember that her backpack was stuffed in the trunk. "Fuck dude, why do I always put it there," she muttered to herself.

"What, your dildo up your ass?" Her friend joked. Maggie only turned and glared before proceeding to pull out her backpack.

"Fuck you, Millie. At least I don't have the nickname Milliegram," Maggie smiled as she thought about the memory that the nickname brought back. Millie groaned and began walking to the front doors.

About two years ago, Millie and Maggie had a chemistry class together and always fucked around. That caused the teacher to always say their names at the most inappropriate times.

Anyways, they were going over instructions for the lab they were doing and both girls weren't paying attention, as usual. As their teacher was talking about how many milligrams to pour into the solution, he caught them mucking about and tried calling out Millie's name. Of course, it didn't exactly come out right and he shouted "Milliegrams" right at Millie's face, causing everyone to start laughing and teasing her. It was one of the most memorable days for Maggie because she always uses the nickname to frustrate Millie.

Maggie strolled into the place that drained teens of everything that they have. She was immediately hit with the smell of Axe and sweat. She was already complaining inside of her head that she wanted to go home.

She pulled out her phone and went onto Instagram to look at the new selfie that Niall Horan had posted. She nearly had a heart attack right there and then. It's like he was trying to stomp on her heart by having the rest of One Direction in the selfie too.

"My fucking sons are precious," she said under her breathe as she screenshotted the pic. While fawning over her idols, she managed to bump into the jocks and their fuck buddies. She mumbled a "my bad" and continued walking. That is, until one stretched out his leg trying to make her trip. Maggie just pushed her heel into his foot until he was howling in pain. She strutted all the way to Millie who stared open mouthed at the action.

"What the fuck is wrong with you," she whisper-yelled, pulling Maggie around the corner and into the girls bathroom. Maggie shrugged and showed Millie the selfie. Millie groaned and slapped the back of Maggie's head once again. "I get that they're hot, but now Chad is going to be after you for embarrassing him," Millie pointed out the obvious.

"When is he not after me? It's been like that since kindergarten," Maggie shrugged for what seemed like the millionth time since she woke up. Her shoulders were starting to hurt.

Her phone pinged with a message from her idiot brother.

Fuckface: when are u coming home??

Fuckface: dad and trasha are fucking on the kitchen counter again :/

Fuckface: ***trisha

Fuckface: actually *****trasha

Fuckface: bc her weaves nasty

Maggieisgr8: stfu I'm in school

Maggieisgr8: and disinfect the counter dude we eat there



Maggieisgr8: no

Fuckface: ifhy

Maggieisgr8: just clean the fucking counter ffs

Maggieisgr8: I'm leaving bye


Fuckface: ....

Fuckface: I'm gonna go bleach my ears god bless

Maggie shook her head at her idiot of a brother and wondered how they were siblings. She hadn't even noticed she was in class before she laid her head on the desk and sighed. They ate on that counter.

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