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First of all, Thankyou for clicking my book! I appreciate all of you :)

This book ISN'T FINISHED and I'm doing a major editing because my old writing was cringy asf..

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment!

enjoy xx


Characters' Q&A (to let you know about them first)

1. v i o l e t

Q : What's your full name? 

A : It's Violet Zoe Grier *smiles* anyway what's these questions for?..

Q: How do you like to be called?

A:  Vio or Violet, not Zoe or Grier.

Q: How to pronounce Vio, is it vee-yo or vi-yo ?

A: I like vee-yo more but it's up to you!

Q: Why is your name Violet, is there any meaning behind it?

A: umm, yeah. My eyes are violet.. *covers face*

Q: Where did you get the eye-color genetic from?

A: My mom said that my great grandma has violet eyes too.

Q: When is your birthday?

A: December 28.

Q: How many siblings do you have?

A: 3 brothers. Will, my twin Nash, and Hayes. 

Q: Is there anyone in your family that has the same eye color as you beside your great grandma?

A: As far as I know, there isn't. I'm one of a kind *giggles*

Q: Do you like your eye color?

A: I like it a lot! It's unique but as I grew older I begin to hate it because I get strange looks from everyone and it's making me uncomfortable. That's why sometimes I wear blue contact lenses to match Nash's eyes.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: I love reading books  and learning new languages.

Q: What is your favorite book?

A: I'm in love with After by Anna Todd and some classics like Pride and Prejudice.

Q: Do you have a boyfriend?

A: What kind of question is that? N-no I don't have one.. *blushes*

Q: Thankyou for your time, Violet! 

A: Sure, you're welcome. I'll walk you out even though I don't know what is the purpose of this interview *smiles*

2. n a s h

Q: What is your full name?

A: Hamilton Nash Grier. What is this? Who are you? Why are you in my room? Why are you asking me questions?

Q: What is your nickname?

A: It's Nash.

Q: You're Violet's twin. Correct?

A: Yeah.. How do you know about her?

Q: Are you the older twin or the younger twin?

A: Older twin, of course! *laughs*

Q: What do you think of Violet's eyes?

A: They are so pretty, but she doesn't like it haha. I would actually trade eyes with her if that's even possible. I love to stand out. Enough about me, what about you? 

Q: I personally think they're beautiful as well.

A: No, not that, tell me more about yourself!

Q: I'm afraid I can't do that, I'm just doing my job.

A: you're boring.

Q: Let's continue. I will ask you some more questions and then we're done. 

A: *yawns* booooriiiiing.

Q: *rolls eyes* Where are you from?

A: I'm from North Carolina, at the age of 10 I moved to Washington and recently I moved here, in Los Angeles.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: acting and writing poetry.

Q: What's the difference between you and Violet besides the fact that she is a girl and her eye color? 

A: She's extremely stubborn. Like really really stubborn, and I can cook, she can't even boil water correctly. *laughs*

Q: What are the similarities between you and Violet?

A: umm.. we both love fall season and watching netflix.

Q: Thankyou for your time!

A: yeah yeah you're welcome. Now get out of my room, bye bye mystery person! *opens the door*

cameron and hayes' Q&A will be up soon! xx

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