First and Last.

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Hakyeon opened the door VIXX's dorm, the other members trailing behind him. The filming of the show they went to that day lasted a bit too long, and they returned home at midnight. It was tiring, but he reminds himself that he's got to stay strong and keep being cheerful for his members.

"Hyung! Turn on the lights, I can't see you!" The maknae, Sanghyuk, whined childishly.

"Be patient, Hyukkie," the leader went to the switches and flipped them, turning the lights on.

"Now we can see you properly, hyung! That feels better, knowing that we wouldn't suddenly run into you," Hongbin stretched.

Hakyeon ignored the ache at his chest.

"Go bath, that is if you want to, and prepare yourself to sleep, kids. I know you guys are tired," Hakyeon said.

"Okay then, good night!" Sanghyuk skipped off to his room, followed by Ravi and Hongbin.

Hakyeon sighed. He saw Taekwoon watching him, and he felt as if the male was mocking him. It's not Taekwoon's fault anyway, Hakyeon had always been bad at managing the kids lately. Hakyeon motioned for Taekwoon to go do his own thing and entered their shared room.

Hakyeon jumped onto his bed and buried his face in his pillow. All the insults and jokes he heard about his skin played in his mind, echoing. He tried hard to not focus on them, yet it was impossible. He felt suffocated, and he felt hatred to himself, he scolded himself for being unable to make everyone happy.

"Hakyeon? Hakyeon. Yah, Cha Hakyeon!" A soft voice called his name. Hakyeon looked up from his pillow, to the side, where the voice came from. Sitting on the bed beside his, was Taekwoon.

"What is it?" Hakyeon asked, realizing that his voice was somewhat shaking and broken.

"Are you crying?"

"H-Huh?" Hakyeon touched his cheeks, feeling that it was wet. He looked down on his pillow, noticing that it was wet too.

"Why do you ask anyway? It's not like you give a fuck about me at all," he said, then only realizing that he cursed and said something that he didn't want to at the same time.

"What the- What do you mean?" Taekwoon asked.

"Nothing, nothing. Just forget it."


"It's Hakyeon-hyung, by the way."

"Hakyeon, just tell me."

"It's nothing."

"Cha Hakyeon."

"No, Taekwoon. I said no."

"Cha Hakyeon, you better tell me, I'm counting down now. Three."

"Or what?"

"Or else. Two."

"Tell me what are you going to do then."


"Fight me!"

"That's it."

Taekwoon lunged at Hakyeon, startling the latter. A high pitched squeak came out of Hakyeon as Taekwoon flipped him over, making Hakyeon lay on his back, and grabbed his wrists. Hakyeon wriggled and Taekwoon kept him in place.

"Taekwoon-ah, what the hell?!" Hakyeon yelled in a high pitched voice. Taekwoon neared Hakyeon's face, until the latter could feel Taekwoon's breath hitting his face. Hakyeon gulped.

"Tell me."

"W-What do you think you're doing?"

"Tell me, Hakyeon. Or I won't be able to help," the younger pressed on Hakyeon's wrists harder, putting his weight on Hakyeon's slender body.

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