Nathan Sykes - Nightmares

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“No…. no….NO…. Nathan!!” I sobbed. My best friend for 17 years had just crushed my heart with those 3 words, which had escaped his lips – “ I’m moving away”.

“You can’t just leave me behind”. I cried, pulling on his top trying to make him stop what he was doing. It was no use, he wouldn’t even look at me. I tried pulling him into a hug, but instead he shrugged me off, pushing me down on to the bed. He exhaled a long, irritated sigh before continuing with his packing. 

I sat there, motionless on his bed, watching as he packed his remaining few items of clothing from his wardrobe. This cannot be happening! I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him, as he scooped up his last few pairs of socks and his hair products from the shelves, cramming them into a large suitcase.

As he zipped up his case, I jumped down to his side, praying he would say something. “Please…” I begged, tears running down my cheeks. I couldn’t lose my best friend. Not like this.

He looked up and stared at me with those beautiful eyes of his. Only this time, they weren’t glowing and loving like usual…instead filled solely with hatred.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, soaking his t-shirt with my tears, not only hoping… but praying that he wouldn’t leave.

“Nathan…. Please don’t go… I … I love you Nathan” I pleaded one last time, kissing his cheek, with such tenderness.

He ripped my arms from his neck, almost immediately after my lips caressed his cheek. His strength was overwhelming as he released himself from my grip.

“I…. I…. Jocelyn…. I hate you Jocelyn!!” He spat, before turning and storming out of our bedroom, followed by the front door slamming closed, signaling that he had left. He had left me. And was never coming back! Worse of all, my best friend hated me.


I tossed and turned, praying that I would hurry up and wake up from this awful nightmare. “I love you….. I love you” I repeated over and over again. I must have been talking loudly in my sleep as it was my own words which jolted me wide awake. The sweat was pouring off me, as I lay adjusting to what I had just dreamt. Wait… my pillow was soaking wet. I turned my bedside light on, noticing my pillow was full of mascara lines. It was then I remembered I hadn’t taken my make up off before going to bed. I sighed, sitting up and rubbing my fingers over my eyes. That dream had made me physically cry in my sleep.

Why had I dreamt of losing Nathan?.....All I knew was it was a horrible experience, which I never wanted to repeat!

Glancing at the clock, it read 2.06am, everyone would be fast asleep by now. I couldn’t go and wake them up because I had a silly nightmare. Especially Nathan, I didn’t want him worrying over my stupid nightmare.

“Just go back to sleep Jocelyn, you’ll be fine” - my subconscious suggested, as I lay back down getting comfy again. I lay for what felt like hours, it was hopeless. Every time I closed my eyes, my brain wandered back to Nathan leaving in my dreams. I couldn’t escape these horrible thoughts. 

“I give up” I whispered, getting out of bed and heading towards the familiar room, I knew only too well…. Nathan’s.

I cursed under my breath as the door creaked open, I didn’t want to wake him up. My eyes, already having adjusted to the dark surroundings, focused on the figure sleeping contently in the tiny single bed. I tip toed closer….big mistake…. As soon as I was close enough to make out his peaceful, handsome face, my mind raced back to my dream. His eyes… how they were filled with so much hatred towards me. What had I done to have my best friend hate me so much?

Involuntary tears began pouring from my eyes, as I shuffled closer to his bedside.  “Nath….” I whispered. He stirred ever so gently, “hmmm?” he groaned, rolling over onto his side. This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have come into his room and tried to wake him up. I turned around and started making my way to the door, praying he’d fall back asleep and forget I was even here. 

Not a chance. 

“Jocelyn… is that you?” he asked, rubbing his eyes and looking over at me.

“Yeah… sorry…. I … I …. I shouldn’t have” I mumbled, trying to make my voice sound less croaky.

“Come here you Muppet” he smiled, pulling back his covers. 

As soon as I was by his side, I squeezed my arm tight around his waist, never wanting to let go.

“Heeey… hey…. You’ve been crying?” he soothed, concerned, pulling me into a massive cuddle. “Whats the matter princess?” 

I held onto him tightly, never wanting to let him go. “I never want to lose you naaaaf” I sobbed, holding him close.

“Well luckily for you, I’m going nowhere, ever…ever…ever” he smiled, as I felt his soft lips kiss my hair. 

“I wouldn’t be able to cope without you here, by my side. You are and always will be my best friend Nathan” I sobbed, burying my face in his warm chest. 

Nathan’s soft, delicate fingers began tracing light circles over my back. “shhhhh….it will all be okay baby” he whispered, his lips coming into contact with my earlobe. There was something about his soothing, yet husky voice which relaxed me. “I’ll always be here for you Jocelyn, always and forever” he added. I couldn’t help but smile slightly at how adorable he was. 

I lifted my head up, and turned around so I could face him. His eyes glowed in the dark. “You can’t make promises like that….my dream… you said you hated me and left” I whispered. 

“Trust me, I intend to keep this promise for as long as I live. Your my world Jocelyn”, Nathan’s eyes locked deep into mine with every word he spoke. I couldn’t help but notice how his teeth bit the corner of his bottom lip.  

“You are my number one girl Jocelyn, and no matter what happens that will never change. As for your dream… I could never hate you. Instead it’s the complete opposite princess.”

Relief washed over me as I knew, deep down he would never leave. His eyes sparked, as my mind started to digest his words. His breath blew lightly on my face, realizing just how close we had become.

“I love you Jocelyn” he smiled, before leaning down and letting his lips brush mine. His lips tasted sweet as we shared our first ever perfect kiss together. As he pulled away, searching my eyes, for a reaction, I couldn’t help but smile. 

“I really love you too Nathan” I grinned. 

With those words, he lightly kissed my lips once more before we both snuggled down together. “Goodnight my special, beautiful girl” he whispered happily, as I closed my eyes, drifting off into a beautiful sleep. I no longer had anything to worry about, after all Nathan didn’t hate me…. He loved me!< 3

Hope you like it my lovely <3 1209 words purely just for you Jocelyn <3

I have another 2 completed fanfics, on my profile if you guys are looking for some more Nathan romance :) Don't forget to follow us on twitter too :) @weneedthewanted <3

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