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Connor was woken up by an inexplicable weight on his torso. As he opened his eyes, the room was fairly dark due to the heavy material curtains but from their edges a little light seeped in, making an outline of the window behind them and he could tell it was at least past 8am. The weight on his stomach happened to be a white Jack Russell with some brown spots around its small body.

"Hey Lalla," he greeted, yawning.

He reached for the pup and put it beside him on the bed, untangling himself from the sheets. He noticed he was still dressed in his clothes from the previous night which, together with the dog, made sense. "I still wonder why she named you after a Telly Tubby," he said to Lalla, standing up and wincing because of the sudden pounding of his head. 

He hesitated to open the curtains, avoiding an even larger headache than the one he was feeling in that moment but he went through with it anyway, separating the two pink halves from each other and pulling them in opposite directions, quickly closing his eyes as the light's intensity was worse than he had anticipated. He turned away from the window and headed towards the door, Lalla hopping off the bed to follow at his feet.

As he left the room he bumped into someone. "Hey Connor!" a woman more or less his height said, a little too loud for Connor's hangover.

"Morning Mrs. Losey," he replied stepping back, putting some space between them.

"Morning? Connor it's past noon!" she said and he rubbed his eyes taking in what she'd just said.

"Oh..." he said, sounding disappointed in his state and to this, Alexa's mother laughed.

"I see Lalla still loves you," she said referring to the dog that was now situated between Connor's legs.

"Yeah, she's adorable" he said, yawning and scratching the back of his head, thinking I don't even like dogs that much.

"Sweetie, you should get yourself a glass of water and then take a cold shower and you'll be all set!", and so Connor did just that.

He walked past the living room without being noticed on the way to the kitchen and on the couch he saw Alexa and Jc all cuddled up, hands intertwined watching a movie he couldn't make out from the characters on screen. Two months ago I was Jc, he thought. He walked into the familiar kitchen, opening the cupboard he knew housed the glasses and downed two glasses of water that was cold enough to give him a little buzz.

He walked back the same way he'd came, this time getting acknowledgement from the couple on the couch. "Connor, you're up; hey man," Jc said and Alexa unglued her eyes from the television screen.

"Hey Con, how's your head doing?" she asked while looking for the remote to pause the movie.

"It's great, just great..." Connor replied sarcastically, re-registering his ridiculous headache. "Uh, I didn't mean to sleep here, I don't even remember how I uh... landed in your room". Connor felt as if this was the most awkward situation he'd ever been in. "Really, I don't mean to intrude or anything, Jc!"

"Connor, relax! I dragged you there. If you went home last night, this morning actually, your mom would have probably killed you!" Jc joked.

She's probably gonna kill me anyway for not telling her, but small mercies. Connor of course didn't voice that, opting for: "Oh, thanks dude... and thank you, Lex."

Can I still call her that?

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Alexa responded, Jc just smiling.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, if that's cool?", Connor half-asked.

"Yeah Con, go ahead. You know where everything is." Alexa confirmed.

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