Chapter One

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Chapter 1 

Sure there have been moments within the last fifteen years of my life that I haven’t been proud of, but I believe its better not to waste precious time reminiscing in those failed opportunities and ruined chances.  After all, every mistake I’ve made and all that has happened has contributed in shaping who I am, and to say I wasn’t happy with my self would be a low blow.  I, Rowan Kale Sharp, had finally come to terms with myself after all the pain and sorrow my short life had endured.  With a semi strong shell, sarcastic persona, and soft, friendly smile, I was at least content with my own being.  I knew exactly who I was, even if I hid it from most others.

 ~  ','  ~

I let out a yawn and flopped down onto my plush bed.  All I wanted to do was snuggle into the navy blue sheets and drift off to sleep.  It seemed much more appealing to be dreaming rather than worrying about unpacking and the arrival of school.  I stared up at the light blue ceiling unwilling to let my eyes close, now was not the time to nap.

My brother and I had just flown in today after a two weeks stay at our grandparent's home in Switzerland.  Since we were in grade school, a few weeks of each summer had been devoted to visiting my grandma and grandpa.  It was tradition to visit as an entire family, but this year our parents were unable to take time away from work to go as well.  It was bitter sweet, but just as nice to be there in the beautiful Swiss countryside despite their absence. 

I often joked about how I would give anything to be able to live there, and in all honesty I would.  It had been considered that we move there, but the high price of living has managed to keep us from making the move.  It didn't deter our hopes considering that our grandparent's cottage looked to be something straight out of a fairytale.  They even had a well kept garden full of colorful assorted flowers, a pond full of colorful fish, heck, there was even a field that had some free roaming sheep in it.  All of which made the experience of staying there even more beautiful and dreamy.  It all felt as though there was magic in the air which surrounded the entire estate. 

When the two weeks had gone  it was sad to leave, but it felt good to be home at last.  Our parents were surprisingly thrilled to see us, as they immediately tackled us with hugs and kisses as we arrived at the passenger pickup area with our luggage in tow.  I guess they were still slightly bummed on not being able to make the trip.  The guilt returned to my stomach, but I quickly shook it away.  What's done is done.

My family and I live in a small city in the Southwestern part of the United States, but it isn't a very ideal to me.  There are far too many lightning and thunder storms, which don't get me wrong, I do enjoy them, but they claimed the life of a father a few years back and are a real trouble here.  Not to mention, it is very dry.  I guess that can be expected of a desert, but a little rain now and then couldn't hurt, right?  It had already been a few years since we had moved from the great Pacific Northwest, but I still hadn't managed to fully adjust to life here.  Maybe if there were some real trees instead of shriveled up, leafless ones and the occasional tumble weed, I would be able to cope.

"Rowan" My mother called from downstairs.  I let out a sigh and pushed up off my bed, quickly leaving behind my blue tinted room. 

"Hmm?" I inquired quietly having arrived downstairs in the foyer.  My mom sat on the old maroon couch looking over some papers, while my dad lounged in his favorite chair on the opposite side of the room while reading a book.

"Come take a look at these," she said motioning to the papers in her hands.  "Since you weren't able to make it to registration the other day, they couldn't give me your schedule," she made a rather annoyed face.  I knew how she dreaded registration every year; it always took an unnecessary chunk of time out of her busy schedule. "You and your brother have to fill out some papers, so you can get your class list on the first day of school instead."

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