Lost and Found

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I never really knew until that moment...our eyes met and it was like being pulled under a current, a strong pulling emotion that was both thrilling and terrifying. In that moment, there was no one but us.

"i'll never leave your side Haru...i love you" spoke a soft almost fading whisper. Molly...i always loved the sound of her sweet voice. She grasped my hands and I instantly felt gratified, but before i knew it she was slowly slipping from my grip. A giant whirlpool appeared and slowly consumed her as i called out her name, hoping that i could save her. I was alone again. She was gone.

*beep* * beep* "huh? Whats that sound?" i asked myself.

*beep* *beep* *beep* The world around me slowly started to spin, it started off slow and got faster and faster until everything was black.

*beep beep beep beep* My eyes opened slightly to adjust to the new intense light around me. I looked over to my right, 6:30am...it was just a dream, But then again how could it be anything else, Molly had been found dead in the river behind the park 3 months ago...Investigators had still not found the person who killed her. All they knew was that she was fighting back and that she had hit her head, was knocked out and drowned in the shallow water beneath her. They believed it might have been a women who killed her out of jealousy. My opinion? It made sense, Molly was never the one to get into fights, she was shy and delicate but she was my whole world and I was going to find the person who did this.

While I was in my own mind my mother had walked in to see if I was awake since my alarm was still annoyingly beeping at me. I sat up slowly and turned it off. I looked up at my mother who worriedly gazed back at me. Ever since Molly's death my mother has been constantly trying to get closer to me, my guess would be because she was worried that I would do something stupid...

"Oh Haru! You're awake! I wasn't too sure if you heard your alarm clock!" her concern evident in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm awake, I need to get dressed now" i spoke coldly. She looked at me, I could tell that she was trying to read my emotions, I didn't know what she would find. I locked away all my emotions when Molly died. I had no use for them anymore. She continued to stare at me a couple minutes longer until she finally realized that she wasn't going to find what she was looking for.

"Well alright honey, Oh! Before I forget, remember that you are transferring to that new prep school today! Your uniform is hanging up in your closet. I'll see you downstairs". The door closed and I pulled my covers off grudgingly and stood up from my bed. It was a cold feeling, all i wanted to do was crawl back into bed and stay there. I wasn't in the mood to go to school today, or ever really, I hate school and school hates me, I don't believe this new school will be any different then the countless others i've been to. I walked over to my closet and opened it to reveal my new school uniform. It was a long white collared dress shirt and black dress pants. It came with a royal purple vest with gold patchwork on it.

"Great..." I snapped sarcastically as I hatefully slip on each of the disturbing garments. When i was finished getting dressed I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror, my hair was slightly messy but still pretty good for just waking up. I finished off in the bathroom and trudged downstairs where my mother was waiting with a full breakfast feast. I looked at the clock...7:45, gonna be late. My step-father looked at me and snickered.

"Purple isn't your color, you look like a girl!" he laughed harder. My step-father, I hated him, my mother married him through an arranged wedding. He was abusive and strange. He was Russian, my mother was Japanese as was my original father which is how I got my name Haru. I snapped out of my flashback and glared at him.

"I'm going to be late" I stated as I grabbed an apple and walked out the door leaving my breakfast of pancakes and toast behind sadly. My mother gazing at me with concern. I slowly walked to my new school eating my apple, it was a new route for me, it took me right downtown LA which I usually avoided because it was always filled to the maximum capacity of people. After awhile of walking I finally arrived at my new school. Los Angeles School of Performing Arts. Why did my mother enroll me here? I quit playing guitar 3 months ago, I had no more inspiration to play. Walking up the vast amount of steps I finally made it to the front door where I walked in and made my way to the guidance office to meet with my guidance counsellor to receive the remainder of my school supplies and my schedule. I never liked guidance counsellors, I always found them to give you false hope that you don't really need rather then what you need to hear to heal. Posers. All of a sudden I heard my name being called, I turned to the voice and there standing there was a middle aged lady with frizzy brown hair and dark rimmed glasses. She walked over to me and held her hand out to me. I shook her hand emotionlessly while she led me into her office to discuss my enrollment. After a good 15 minutes I was led out and directed to my first class which was Drama. I finally made it, 20 minutes late mind you. I walked into the room and at the front of the room was a young male teacher, probably in his late 20s early 30s giving a speech about the different styles of theatre. He stopped suddenly and looked at me.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" he asked calmly. I slung my bag further over my shoulder.

"The new student" i replied cooly. He looked over me once or twice more before smiling slightly and asked me to come to the front of the classroom. I did as I was told and trudged over to the front of the classroom. I heard quiet comments about how I was cute or weird I was or looked. I walked up onto the stage and looked over the small crowd of students that were my new classmates. My teacher began to speak again.

"Class, this is the new student Haru Nickols, arts prodigé extrodinaire"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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