Chapter 33 - Becoming Friends with Matt

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"Hey Al, how you doing!" Katie says skipping towards me happily. She slowly walks a bit slower and notices my cheek. I have a small bruise on my cheek.
"What's that you got here pal?" She says frowning and coming closer to me. A sense of panic takes over me and I can't help but shout,
"No!" I panic again but this time my voice gets softer but I stutter,
"I mean, no. I just feel and hit my face, that's all. You know how clumsy I am!" She buys it and smiles rolling her eyes.

We walk down the path together, laughing like old times. I try focus on the good times but there's one thing that seems to stick to the back of my mind, like a limpet on a rock.

"Hey Alana," a guy says smiling as he walks past me. He has dirty blonde hair  and dark brown eyes. Fair skin and had a really cute smile.
"You know who that is right?" Katie says excitedly.
"No? I recognise him from somewhere but not quite sure where." She rolls her eyes as if I was acting dumb and then she claps excitedly,
"That's Matthew! That's Cameron's best mate! He's gorgeous..." We both watch him chat to a few of the guys and then we both notice him keep looking over our direction.
"Come on, he knows we keep staring at him. He probably feels awkward, let's go Katie," I say tugging at her but she seems too mesmerised by his good looks. I push her and then she snaps back into reality and pushes me back. I laugh and link her arm as we walk into school together.
"Okay, so why's that a big deal? Like first of all, why'd he even say hi to me in the first place? Also, why are you so dazzled by him?" I say curiously and all at once. Katie laughs and puts her lose arm up and rolls her eyes in exhaustion.
"Because you've been so high on Cam, you haven't noticed many other people..." She begins but I interrupt,
"Ah ah ah! No I..." Then she interrupts me back and steals the show.
"No. Let me speak. You asked me questions so I'm answering them. No interruptions. Anyway, like I was saying.... You were so high on him you didn't notice anyone else who was looking your direction. Matthew always glares at you and smiles at you as he walks past, but you never notice or take one glance at him. This is your chance to move on, and bite Cam back in the arse! This is amazing!" She seems so excited, but I'm not a hundred percent sure that it's a good idea....

"Hey, Alana its me," I hear a deep voice say as they get closer. Before I know it, Matthew is walking next to me smiling.
"Hey... Matthew right?"
"Yeah but most people just call me Matt."
"Okay, Matt." He laughs looking down at the floor then looks back up at me.
"There's a party tomorrow night if you fancy coming along? I'd really like it if you came."
"Sure, but can I bring a mate?"
"Yeah sure, but not too many, because I don't want it to be too big. See you there?"
"Of course. See you later Matt." He smiles, winks then jogs off down the corridor on the left towards the chemistry lab. So looks like I have a plan after all....

"So no more time for doom and gloom but more time for single and mingle!" I say ending my plan to Katie and telling her about the party. She nods her head and smiles. She's more excited the fact that she gets to go to a party than the actual plan, but I'll let her get swiped off her feet for now.
"Anyway, I got after school class so I'll catch you later?" Katie says already walking away. As soon as she gets inside it starts to rain cats and dogs out of no where. Great... And I have to walk home.

"Little bit wet there?" I hear someone shout muffled. Next to me is a guy on a motorbike.
"Ah no, I'm actually bone dry, this is just elbow grease from all that hard work I do in school. I'm school girl pal, so back off. If you wanna snatch someone up, I'm not your girl." The guy starts laughing. He stops his motorbike and takes off his helmet. Matthew. Damn it. I just embarrassed myself big time.
"I wasn't planning on snatching you up, but I was planning on offering you a ride? But I understand, I shouldn't be asking a school girl like you for a ride after all," he says smiling and getting his helmet back on.
"Well seeing as you're a school boy yourself then maybe I should accept." He laughs and pats the small space behind him and offers me a helmet. I put it on and we zoom through the rain as it drenches us.

He sits on my bed with a towel wrapped around him as I walk in. I hand him over a hot chocolate, and I sit on a chair opposite my bed, so I can face him.
"Why'd you offer me a ride?"
"Because it was raining," he says staring at the hot chocolate admiringly.
"But we both got wet anyway so it wou don't of mattered if I walked or not, still the same outcome." I watch him as he swirls it around with his finger.
"Well, it was quicker if I drove you and then you'd get to go on a motorbike which is a cool experience, right?"
"Right." I watch him as he slurps his hot chocolate. What was the real reason he helped me?

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