So you want to be on the box?

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Using the media to promote your book

Getting on the radio or television can be a great way to get publicity and to introduce your book to thousands of potential readers, but it's not easy.

Remember, media is a business. They are concerned about ratings, about viewer figures, about advertising revenue. They don't care about you or your book. If you can provide entertainment, you can be on air.

The person who decides if you go on is not the presenter, it's the producer. Find out who produces the show you want to be on, google them, find out what they are interested in, and target your approach to that person.

Start with a press release. One page only, dated today, with an attention grabbing headline in the subject line.  This is your hook. The body of the e-mail answers the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, why) and gives enough extra information to make you sound like the perfect guest. Write end at the bottom of the page.

Call to make sure they got the press release.

Remember, WIIFM. What's in it for me? Make sure your press release answers that question. Your message should be interesting, or should make the listener feel that they will miss out if they don't pay attention. Know who your audience is, and tailor your press release to that audience.

If you have a choice, always go to the studio. If you must do a phone interview, use a landline in a quiet location. Stand up and smile while being interviewed. People will hear it in your voice and your energy.

A studio interview is fun. You get to see all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes, you get to see how big the staff is, what they are doing, what the feeling of the studio is. Wear clothes that are comfortable, but remember that many radios do a webcast, so don't wear your PJs.

Think of the presenter as a telephone to speak to the audience. Don't use his name, it reminds the listener that you are not speaking to her. Work off the pace of the presenter, but get the most important things at the start of the interview in case you get cut off by an ad break.

Mention the name of your book every ninety seconds. No matter how amazing the interview, without that, people won't remember it.

Have a grab bag of interesting stories, facts, statistics, messages, jokes. Have things to say, and be perpared to sell yourself. Go in believing that your book is amazing, and you can't wait to tell people all about it. Go in bursting with energy and passion.

It's not an oral exam. It's not about answering the presenter's questions correctly, it's about making people understand that this book will make their life better in some way.

If you have a choice, always go for a live interview. First, it's fun, with huge energy and adrenaline, but also you get to control far more of the interview. If they do a taped interview, they will chat to you for maybe 20 minuutes, and use two minutes, and you can be sure that the two minutes they use are not the ones you would have picked.

If you are going on television, all the same things apply, but dress for the screen. You wil be judged on how you look, so make the most of it. Go in with energy and attitude.

No black, no while, no busy patterns. Be careful of blue or green if they interview in front of a green screen. Carry a spare top in a different colour. Navy, peach, pink are good. Wear structured clothes, nothing floaty. Make sure your hair is smooth and your make-up is done.

A statement necklace is good, but beware of earrings or bangles that make noise. No political ribbons or badges unless that is what your book is about. If you wear glasses, make sure your eyes are visible. If you are wearing a dress, think about where the microphone goes.

Don't move the furniture! Sit with your bum at the back of the seat, and sit up straight. Make sure you are ON all the time you are in the studio.

Afterwards, thank everyone involved, particularly the producer, and make it clear you are available for a follow-up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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