Just tell me what the hell i ever did to you?

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Hey i wrote this a few years ago  


Is this good Is it bad 


Alex Appleton 

Alex Appleton was the meanest nastiest person in the whole school. He had scruffy hair and torn clothes and dirt on his face he thought he was so tough. My name is Chloe and I go to Sun Bourne Valley public school with my best friend Mellissa. Me and my friend Mellissa were waiting in line at the canteen yesterday and Alex came and took our money. I tried to stop him but he was too strong. How could he be so mean to everyone? I don't know why he was so mean but I thought about it a lot. I thought that maybe his mum or dad didn't give him money because they were poor but, he always had new things like the newest video games or the newest model of Nike shoes. Whenever someone came to school with something new or told everyone about the new thing that they had got Alex would come to school the next day with something bigger and better. Alex not only took people's money but he also cheated in tests, pushed in line, started rumours about people, pushed people in the mud, squirted water at people who were have a drink at the bubbler, he sometimes even pushed the boys into the girls toilets and he always teased people. One day at school we were learning about bullying. The teacher said that sometimes bullyies have their own problem that's why they bully. The next day at school I decided to ask Alex why he bullied people he just said "because I can" and then he splashed some mud on me. Everyday after that for about 3 weeks I asked him the same question and every time he had the same answer. Then one day he came to school with a really big black eye. I thought he must have been in a fight or something. At recess I saw him sitting by himself down the little corridor and by the big gum tree, no one else ever sat there only him. I walked over to him and sat down I asked him how he got his black eye I asked if he was in another fight and then he started to cry. I asked him if he was ok he said "no" I said what happened? he said " my dad hits me and my mum" he told me that he had never told any one before. I got him a tissue and reassured him that everything would be ok, but I didn't know what to do and I didn't know if everything would be ok. I asked him if he wanted to tell a teacher what happened but he didn't want to and he just turned around and started walking home. I wanted to go with him but I couldn't, I had to catch the bus. On the way home I was thinking what I could do. I was going to go and talk to him the next day during recess. When I got home I thought about

telling my parents but they were busy and I didn't think that it was right to tell someone if Alex didn't want to. The following day at school I went up to him at recess and asked if he was ok he just said "go away " and kicked dirt on me, I walked away and went to sit with Mellissa to eat my recess. She was talking to me but I was not really paying attention. All I kept thinking about was what happened with Alex, why would he not want to talk about it, what happened at his house last night. I couldn't work out what had just occurred. After that I stayed away from Alex for about a month and got to my normal life. I thought that Alex had sorted his problems out as well because, he was not bullying as much as he had been in previous weeks. Alex still sat by himself and no one wanted to talk to him because they were to scared. I thought that it was all over and I would not have to think about Alex ever again. Until one day I bumped into Alex when he was walking around the corner and he went to hit me. I quickly moved out of the way and said I am not afraid of you so stop it and let's talk. We went and sat down. He told me that his mum and dad always had arguments and that his dad would always end up hitting his mum sometimes, Alex would try to stop his dad from hitting his mum but, his dad was to strong and then Alex and his mum would get hit. I told Alex that he should tell a teacher or the police. After much persuading he finally agreed to tell a teacher. I went with him and he explained everything to the teacher, She phoned the police who came to the school. Alex's mum went through a long hard divorce with his dad and eventually his dad moved far away to Queensland. I and Alex developed a really good relationship over the months of his parents divorce. We understood what each other were going through because my parents also got divorced. Alex stopped bullying people and apologised to everyone that he had hurt. He started to improve in his school work. We were really good friends. Although me and my friend Mellissa were still friends I didn't sit with her as much because I just sat with Alex. Everything was going good until, my Mum died in a car accident. I had no where to stay and I didn't want to move away to live with my dad. So I ended up living in foster care. I didn't like it and I wanted to move in to Alex's house. Alex's mum had become like a second mum to me and she understood me because her mum had died too.

After what felt like a lifetime I was able to move into Alex's house. It was great. Me and Alex are still good friends its been 20 years since all that happened and me and Alex are still good friends. Friends with gold rings on  

their fingers. 

Husband and Wife <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2012 ⏰

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