A letter to my missing self

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We sat in the woods on a blanket watching what we could see in the sky. My boyfriend left to go get something from the car but oddly he never came back. After a while I had gotten tired of waiting and decided to look around to see if I could find him. When I had finally gotten back to the car there was a note on the door that read "he watches, no eyes". I got a little freaked out at this because my boyfriend and I loved to play the Slenderman game and this was one of the notes in the game.

I went back to where the blanket was and saw my boyfriend sitting there like nothing had happened. Making me think that he just wanted to pull a prank on me as I remembered that Slenderman only goes after children not nineteen year olds. I walked over to sit next to him, about to hit him over the head until I saw that he was crying. He wailed and I got concerned so I asked what was wrong, and he said that his little brother and sister were missing.

As tears started to roll from my eyes too at this sad news that I was told I heard a giggle and turned to see where it came from. When I saw his little siblings looking at us with cocked heads and smiles holding knifes I backed away. Seeing what I was doing he too looked and was terrified at seeing his siblings the way they were. His sisters' smile stretched from ear to ear now as her cheeks had been slit while her brother has had his eyes cut out all by the same hand.

A tall figure stood behind them though the figure had no face to be seen. Blood striped his face where a mouth and eyes should be but were not. He reached out and pointed to my boyfriend and one of the children charged for him quickly unsheathing a large knife from behind his back. When he seemed to stare at me though he had no eyes. Then a scream came as the little boy snapped out of his trance after killing my boyfriend and losing the last bit of blood to make him lose consciousness from the wounds of his missing eyes.

The little girl then tilted her head as she turned to face the faceless creature as if waiting for orders but before she could get orders she collapsed from the loss of blood from her cut cheeked smile. While the creature stood still staring at me my vision started to blur and I haven't woken up from my dreamland yet still lost in the woods with a mysterious creature with no face and who looked like a very a slender man.

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