To the Beat of Her Drums

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Author: uponinfinity

A rare moment of peace finally descends upon the Kim household. Kyungsoo sighs as he picks up a few of the toys Soojung and the latest addition to their family, Jinri, were playing with earlier. He's glad to do it - glad to do anything that doesn't involve minding screaming children. He loves his daughters, there isn't any doubt about it - but children, though precious, are exhausting.

The little moments make it all worth it, though.

Kyungsoo smiles as he recalls what happened a couple of hours prior, Sunyoung sitting with her legs spread out in the middle of the living room, a bowl of food and a spoon in her hands. Soojung and Jinri (who, Kyungsoo was thankful to note, were starting to warm up to each other a little more) had chased each other around in circles, stopping periodically to allow Sunyoung to feed them.

As endearing as it was, it was also very, very messy.

Kyungsoo chuckles to himself as he recalls the horrified look on Jongin's face when the younger came into the living room to be greeted by what could only be described as pure chaos. Soojung had globs of food in her hair, Jinri all over her face, and Sunyoung - Jongin was pretty sure his daughter was not born with green-tinted skin on her hands.

He remembers how hard he had to try to stop himself from laughing when Jongin had put a halt to the girls' playtime, and marched them all off to the bathroom.

Better him than me.

'Hey, baby,' Kyungsoo hears the words just before a pair of arms snake around his waist, and his hands automatically fly to cover the ones resting on his stomach. Jongin nuzzles his face into the elder's neck, makes Kyungsoo's eyes flutter shut and a smile bloom on his lips.

'Done polishing our children?' Kyungsoo asks, a shadow of amusement in the undercurrent of his voice.

'I don't think Sunyoung's ready to be a nanny, yet,' mumbles Jongin, sighing a little. His breath tickles the skin on Kyungsoo's neck, and it makes the elder let out a small laugh that has Jongin's insides melting.

Ten years on, twenty, fifty - his favourite sound will always be Kyungsoo's laugh.

'What's say you and I have a little of our own playtime, hm?' Jongin's voice comes out a little lower, laced with intention, and Kyungsoo lets himself be dragged to the sofa, doesn't utter a word when Jongin pushes him down on it.

It's always been easy for him to get lost in Jongin. The way the younger slips his tongue in his mouth, the feel of his hand sliding under his shirt to get to skin - Kyungsoo loves all of it, loves being able to feel loved this way, loves the comfort and the security.

He loves Jongin.

Jongin toes the line when he pushes his knee in between Kyungsoo's legs, making his husband let out one of the most beautiful sounds he's ever heard. They're too caught up in each other to hear the gentle shuffling of socked feet against hardwood floors, both have their visions too filled with each other to notice the tiny hand that clutches the doorframe before a body emerges after it. Jongin dips down to kiss all up and down Kyungsoo's neck, and -

'Daddy!' shrieks a voice, shaking and terrified, and it surprises Jongin enough to have him come toppling off of Kyungsoo. The elder sits bolt upright, eyes flying to find the source of the sound. It's Sunyoung, plush bunny clutched to her chest, eyes wide and mouth hanging open in horror.

'We scarred our baby, fuck,' murmurs Kyungsoo, low enough so only Jongin hears. He makes a beeline for his distressed daughter, feels his heart beat pick up when a single, fat tear rolls down her cheek. 'Baby, what's wrong?' he asks, hands wrapping around both her forearms, trying to pull him to her.

Sunyoung just falls forward, lets herself be cradled in Kyungsoo's arms. He's forgotten that his shirt is still undone, and he nearly throws her away from him when he feels her tears against his bare skin. 'Shh, baby, tell Papa what's wrong,' he tries.

Sunyoung stands, feet on Kyungsoo's thighs, and protectively wraps her arms around her father's head, effectively blinding him. She shoots Jongin a look of pure anger, and Jongin - Jongin is so confused.

'Are you mad at me?' he asks, tentatively, because Sunyoung looks about ready to march right over to him and poke his eyes out with her Disney princess wand. 'Baby?'

'NO EAT PAPA.' says Sunyoung firmly, and Kyungsoo almost chokes.

'I - what?' Jongin asks, uncertain as to whether or not he heard his daughter right. Sunyoung lets go of Kyungsoo, moves off of him.

'No. Eat. Papa.' she says again, slowly, pointing a stubby finger to one of the red marks Jongin had left on Kyungsoo's chest, and Kyungsoo wants to drown. 'Papa not food. Daddy only eat food if Daddy hungry,' she says firmly, crossing her arms.

It takes Jongin a minute to process his daughter's words.

He blinks, realisation making embarrassment spark in all his nerve endings.

He's never touching Kyungsoo again.

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