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(NOTE THE IDEA IS BASED OFF OF A TUMBLR POST BY PSYDUCKED, YOU CAN FIND THAT POST HERE: http://psyducked.tumblr.com/post/53240946980/i-wish-there-were-necklaces-given-to-us-at-birth THANKS)


I was walking down the snowy street, there was a strong wind but the streets were still full of people, my hands were in my coat pockets and my collar turned up. A girl who looked about my age looked up at me with big eyes, her hand automatically going to her neck, I looked down with a frown. I knew how it was supposed to work. When you're born you get a necklace. a stone that was half of a unique shape on a black chain. This was called your Soul's Entity and the point of it was that your soul mate wore the other half of the shape, and the closer your actions brought you to your soul mate the warmer the stone got, and the farther your actions brought you from your soul mate the colder it got. I guess this girl's Soul Entity got warmer with the way she looked at me. But I knew she wasn't my soul mate,I didn't have a soul mate. I had known since they explained the necklaces to us in 5th grade, it was a ritual you see, when you reach 5th grade they explain love. When they started by asking us if our necklaces ever got warmer or colder i was slightly surprised. mine was always cold, like a dead rock. I knew I couldn't tell anyone because being out of the normal was never good. And even now as an 18 year old student his stone had never gotten warmer. The girl passed me and obviously couldn't stop staring at me. I hastened my pace, lifting my wrist to check my watch. late again. my lecturer was going to kill me. I got to the university gates and rushed in turning towards Barrett Hall. I opened the door of the class room to hear Mrs Aucutt's sarcastic tone "late again Mr. Caverly?" she raised her eyebrows at me. "hey Nicola, sorry I'm late, my alarm clock didn't work" I walked to the back of the class and sat down next to Garret, my flatmate. Mrs Aucutt rolled her eyes "fine, and for the thousandth time its Mrs Aucutt." I took out my books "yeah yeah Nicola, what ever you say" I winked at her. She sighed and continued her lecture.chuckuling under my breath I turned to Garret and punched his arm, "you couldn't wake me up?!" he smiled "and break your record of being late every day of the semester? no way" I let out a chuckle and laid my head down on the desk, slowly dozing off to the discussion about the most common disease's in the middle east.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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