Part 1

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Here I am once again looking at my roommate who is also my friend, making out with another girl. Everyday is always like this. He will be bringing girls on our room just to make out. Every single fucking day is also a new fucking girl who falls for this fucking guy in fucking front of me.

While here I am on my bed listening to my ipod trying my best to ignore their lewd sounds. I don't give a fuck anymore. I am too numb to feel disgusted or feel anything at all. I will just go to bed and try my best to look forward to another day.

I was about to sleep when someone knocked on our door. It doesn't stop them from doing their lascivious acts so I was the one who opened the door

"Baek, may I borrow your math notes?"

Kai is the one borrowing my notes together with Luhan. Shocked by the action of my roommate, Luhan covered Kai's eyes, pulled me outside and closed the door behind us

"This is the only reason you'd come looking for me, huh?" I asked them with a hint of tease in my voice

"This isn't the time to be joking around. Is Chanyeol bringing girls into our dorm again?" Luhan was the one who asked because Kai is still in mental shock. Before I can nod, I feel some heat radiating behind me and realized that it is Chanyeol

"You guys talking about me?" He asked us but he was talking to us very near my ear that makes my whole body shivers

"The most famous playboy" "Chanyeol" Luhan and Kai completed each other's sentences even without noticing it

"That's mean" Chanyeol said with a pout making it sound cute but failed to do so because of his deep voice

"So, it's true. You're bringing in your girl to fool around with without bothering to care if your roommate's there or not. That's seriously sick. And you too Baek! How could you stay inside and let this go on?" Luhan is now shouting at us, face bright red because of anger.

"Whatever. It's not like it concerns me" I said without looking at him and going inside because I know that he will be more pissed off because of my answer

"BUT..." Luhan was cut off by Chanyeol saying that I am too indifferent to my surroundings. Is that true? Am I really that indifferent? But I just want to listen to my music and don't care about anything else. Especially if it concerns Chanyeol. Does that consider one to be indifferent?

Before I put on my headphones, Chanyeol said wait to me and asked me to pass the lipstick that rolled on my side of our room. I picked it up and give it to him but when our skin touched, I flinched. I don't know why it is happening to me. When we were still close, we were being clingy with each other, touching each other's bodies a lot but now, I really don't know.

I also don't know if Chanyeol noticed the flinched that just happened to me. I guess not when I looked at him and he just said thanks to me with his usual smile.


Park Chanyeol is my best friend. We entered high school on the same school and we even go to the same college that provides dorms for the students. We are now roommates and every day is awesome and perfect and just too good to be true until a confession breaks it all

It is just one ordinary day when we are going to our room side by side talking about anything out of the blue. I am laughing so hard when I noticed that we are not going to our room, instead, we are going to the park near our dorm. I looked at Chanyeol and saw that he is fidgeting and looking nervous. And so I asked him what's wrong and he just shook his head

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