S e v e n t e e n

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I hope you enjoy this chapter!


// Clementine's POV //

~At The Interview~

"Welcome, One Direction and Infinity!" our interviewer Jessica yelled out as we all entered the room. And of course, we were all separated. The world didn't know any of us were dating except Hadley and Niall so they were holding hands.

As we all sat down across from Jessica she started to ask all of us some questions, "so rumors have been made that some of the band members are dating.." she trailed off looking at all of us. "so first off raise your hand if you're single." none of us raised our hands and Jessica gasped. Wait all of us are taken? Wait, all of us!? WHOA.

There the truth is out... but I didn't realize everyone was taken we all looked at each other with shocked expressions but were smiling at the same time.

"Whoop there it is!" Louis yelled and we all laughed and shook our heads. "So who's dating who, raise your hand if your dating Louis!" Jessica demanded and Layla slowly raised her hand I giggled at her flushed expression wait! THE Louis Tomlinson is BLUSHING aww!

"Raise your hand if your dating Zayn!" and Lily slowly raised her hand just like Layla did, aw! she is blushing too! Oh no I have a feeling that I'm going to be next crap!

Yep, I was right... CURSE YOU SUBCONSCIOUS! "Raise your hand if you dating Harry" Jessica was now smirking, what? does she think that Harry isn't dating anyone and is going to shag him after the interview? Oh, now bitch things are getting real.

I raised my hand and Harry was smiling at me and grabbed my hand and he leaned over and gave me a peck on the lips and the audience was filled with Ooh's and Aw's and I could tell Harry did this on purpose because he knew I was getting jealous.

"O-okay raise your hand if your dating Liam," Jessica said after the awkwardness was gone and Penelope didn't raise her hand even though I could tell she wanted to, I'll ask her after the interview to see what's going on.

"Ooh, Liam since Penelope isn't dating you, who is?" Jessica asked and Pen shifted in her seat uncomfortable with the subject. Liam coughed and spoke up "um I'm dating Danielle Peazer." Wait, what! Oh god, it can't be that Danielle can it? No no no!

You all are probably confused, Danielle used to cyber bully Pen in school.

I looked over at Penelope and her face was pale as a ghost and her eyes were wide as a deer caught in headlights.

Oh god, this can't be good.

~After the Interview~

Penelope was fast walking to the car that was waiting for us and I was rushing after her. "Pen, wait!" I called out to her and she wasn't turning around. When she got to the car she opened the door and climbed in and slammed it shut behind her.

I opened the door back up and climbed in and sat right beside her.

"Pen.. are you okay?" I asked her quietly my voice as soft as I could make it while trying to catch my breath. She shook her head no.

"I left Australia to make my dream come true, and to leave my past behind.. but now it feels like it's catching up to me and is choking me.." she said softly, so softly that I could barely hear her but I managed to by leaning really close to her.

"It's okay Pen she can't hurt you, I won't let that happen we won't let that happen."

You see, Penelope had told us back in 2011 about her past and about her cutting to try and release her pain but we told her that if she needed us to talk to she could, and she agreed. I just hope she doesn't go back to it, cause' I can't stand to see her sad.

"Penelope, promise me that you won't start cutting again" I whispered to her and I saw a tear drop from her cheek. "I promise Clem," she whispered back to me as I seen the rest of our group walking to the car.

Penelope, I promise I won't let anything happen to you.. ever.


Well, secrets had come out and what do you think, about Penelope's past? Tell me in the comments how you feel about this bye and don't forget to vote! Ily ~Megan (: x

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