Butterfly Kisses.

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I didn't know Life was worth living....Until i met  Him.

As a new school year started, The same stupid, Itiotic, Girls were In the same school.....AGAIN!

"Oh riley dear! Come Hold my purse!"  I rolled my eyes and said " With all due respect your hiness, I'm NOT your slave."  Iris Grabbed my shirt, " Don't forget little princess, I can fire your father and mother if i want and you'll be living on the streets!" I sighed and Held her purse, while she did her, ( over-dose) of make-up and fixed her hair, " Perfect! Oh Riley i bet you wanna be me, Beautiful, gorgious me!" I rolled my eyes, " oh yes you, i so wanna be you."  Just then the school president walked down the hall's with his group, " Make way! president Mason comming though!" Every body cooed and ahhed and ooed,   " There he is! its mason!" Everyone bowed before the obnoxious couple as they kissed, exept me. " Bow down Riley! show us respect!" I rolled my eyes and bowed my head, "your hinesses!" At Lunch, All the royaltys Sat together at a specail table. "hey Riley! catch!" I caught a snake, and pet it, " sssssss..sss..sss..sss...sss...ss Yeah i know it was rude of them to throw you...... so your name is s? cool name for a snake."  The whole table beside me looked at me like i was crazy, " what?! never seen a girl and a snake have a convosation before? go about your buisness!" 

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