Chapter one

13 0 0

Violets a young girl,13 to be exact. She's shy and keeps to herself. Around most people , well except her best friend Sera. Violet was abused and had many disorders. Now that that's done to how she became a creepypasta.
Violet scurried down the crowed halls of her middle school. Trying not to be noticed by the crowd. Almost to her next class, maths. She was shove brutality to the ground. Her notebooks and drawing scatters everywhere. Hurrying to pick them up she quickly scrambled to them. "Ha! Loser look where you're going next time." Lilly her biggest bully shouted at her. Violet mudderd a small sorry and got up. Brushing off she continued to class.
Sitting in her seat, she blow the purple strand of hair out of her face. This is the last class of the day. Violet thought to herself. Smiling slightly she pulled out her phone and texted Sera. Hey wanna hang out after school? Violet sent the text. She quickly got a reply. Can't I'm grounded. Putting he head on the desk violet began to think. I have to go back to my hell hole of a house great. Finishing her work she stared packing up.
Grabbing her bag she walked out of the school. Putting in her ear buds she played some music. Having to return to her probably drunk step mum. Shaking her head she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Turning slightly afraid of who did that she came face to face with the bitch sqaud.
         "Hey loser on your way home to go cut yourself?" Lilly sneered at her. "No I- um I'm just going to the park" violet said bowing her head gently.......

     Hey I know really short but I'll update tomorrow .
  Gummy bear out!

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