His Life, his Wife

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Breaking News:

Just in, there has been an accident that occured in Wall Street. Police reports say that a 10 wheeler truck has just rammed itself on the right side of a red Ferrari.

The Ferrari is owned by none other than Logan Black. Ambulances, police escort and also the New York fire department has swiftly arrived in the scene to assist the injured.

Driver states he has "lost" control of the truck, as if the brakes were broken. He was also driving way past the speed limit, he was charged for reckless driving, damage to property and others that are still to be stated after the scene has been studied.

Mr. Black has attained minor scratches, bruises and ofcourse a few wounds. The one who is currently suffering under severe condition would be his wife Mrs. Cassandra Black.

The missus is suffering under severe head injury because of the impact the truck has made at the side of the car and also because of the speed it has caused the ca-

Closing the television, I was currently laying in a hospital bed as I was being treated for the so-called injuries I have attained.

I was also drugged because of the scene I caused when we were brought in the hospital, Cassandra is under Intensive Care because of the head injury and also since the impact on her was worse than mine.

I laid and stared at the ceiling, I was afraid of closing my eyes once more in the fear that I would see her face again.

Covered in blood, wounded, unconcious and more. As soon as the world stopped spinning, I immediately went to her side to check on her but she was unconcious.

I felt my heart stop beating when she didn't respond, my life had gone to a halt when she didn't open her eyes and smile at me.

It pained me to know I didn't protect her from harm and now there she was fighting for her life.

I was pulled away from my day dreaming when a knock came, Oliver my most trusted bodyguard and driver walked in along with the doctor whom I last saw was in the operating room.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Black, how are you feeling? Do you still feel numb?" The doctor asked while holding a clipboard, taking notes and waiting for my answer to his questions.

I knew he was just doing his job but I couldn't help but glare at him and answer his questions sarcastically.

"What is so good about the afternoon if my wife is in the ICU and god knows what is happening to her?! I am feeling quite peachy if you can't tell and yes I am numb! You drugged me!" I roared and Oliver stepped close, placing a hand over my shoulder he looked at me without saying a word but I knew what he wanted to say.

She wouldn't want to see you like this.

I turned my stare from him back to the doctor whose demeanor didn't change at all, he just sighed and placed the board on the foot of my bed.

"I understand how you feel Mr. Black, I understand how it feels to be worried about your wife who could die any minute and you don't know what to do. I understand that feeling quite well." He smiled at me painfully and all I saw in his eyes were understanding and pain.

"I apologize doc... Its just killing me here that I don't know what is happening. I can't lose her doc, she is my life.." Never in my life have I felt so vulnerable, never would I sound so broken.

"Please.. Do whatever you can to save her.." I looked into his eyes and begged as if I was begging god to leave his angel by my side.

"We will try our best Mr. Black, I am not god but I will try." Were his parting words, I couldn't help but look up back in the ceiling and cry.

I prayed to a god that I didn't believe in, just to save Cassandra from death's clutches. I turned to him and prayed for the first time in my life.

Through the day Mason, Darcy, Carter and Dean came to visit. They were all worried about me but most importantly, they were worried of Cassandra.

I have assigned Oliver to talk to that driver, I was still under suspicion the man was paid because as the police reported.. The brakes were in an okay condition.

He stated on his interview, he didn't have control over it and started swerving, he wasn't drunk either.

I silently suffered, thinking of the what ifs for that moment:

What if we stayed home?

What if I just pulled over when I felt something was wrong?

Was there even any way for me to prevent it?

All the possibilities haunted me that I couldn't help but lay there and cry. My arm over my eyes I tried to stop and suck it up, there was nothing I did.

I failed her.

I took a deep breath and clossed my eyes, remembering the days I had with her. I was steeling myself for the anguish and pain that was to come until i fell asleep just to dream about her and our day in Isla Cassandra.

I was staring at the beautiful sun descend from the sky, its light mirrored against the beautiful blue greecian sea.

"Logan!" She called out, causing me to look around and smile at her. She stood there, holding her hair down from flying around with the wind.

Her pristine white sundress that matched my white pants and button up shirt, it felt as if we were angels in heaven.

She reached her hand out to me and smiled, I couldn't help but smile back at her and walk towards her.

"I love you.." I heard her whisper, just hearing it made my heart thump loudly.

"Forever.." I whispered back as soon as I reached her, wrapping my arms around her body I leaned my head against hers as I stare in those beautiful hazel eyes.

"Don't leave me.." She says, her arms going around my neck she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me on the lips.

I answered her kiss back with so much passion, I swear I heard her moan.

Through that day we played catch like children, I ran after her everytime she ran away and smiled at how carefree she was with life.

She deserved every beautiful thing in life, pain and suffering isn't something an angel like her should experience.

I will forever give my wife everything in the world because she deserves the best.

She is my wife.. Who is my life.

Awesome authors note:
Prologue served up for you!!! Because I love you guys so much and I just cant stay away!! 😂

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