Summer of Memories

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Chapter 1

It all started when we moved. That's when my life changed, everything I thought I knew about the world proved me wrong. Well, I lived with my grandma since the time I was 7 and my mom went to rehab. She's been in and out of my life forever now and I don't know who my real father is. So my grandma is my mom and best friend . The state I live in now ( North Carolina ) I don't really have any friends because I'm home schooled, but it's fine by me. When I move to Michigan I have to go to public school . The thought friends me because I'm really socially awkward and it's really scary to me. I hope I can just find somewhere to just fit in and be alone. Even if it means eating lunch in the bathroom everyday.


Hi guys ! This is my first story and I'm nervous ! Please vote and leave comments I really need your honest opinions. Sorry the first chapter is short if you guys like it ill write longer chapters and ill be posting as much as I can and keep you updated I hate when people just leave stories unfinished! .-.

Love you guys , ❤❤

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⏰ آخر تحديث: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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