Chapter 3

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In my head I was screaming I didn't want to move I have a record deal here and I just got a gig for every week at this place. " there is no way I'm moving " I yelled! " Tracie Jane we are moving and you are going to like it in Tucuman".
    I left to go to the car and when I  opened the car door and all I heard was screaming. My siblings were talking at my mom, so I'm guessing she told them that we are moving and they don't like the idea either. " we are moving for the money" I hear mom say. " you can have more stuff that way, we are doing it for you guys" dad said as he motions us into our seats.
    When we finally got into our seats and all buckled up dad started the car and we headed for home. In my head I new there was no way of convincing him to not move, so I just went along with it. I'm really sad that I just got all this great stuff for my career and naw I have to move and I will have to work so hard to get it back in Tucuman Argentina!
    When we got to the house mom called a family meeting ( family meetings are never good), mom told us to get cozy on the couch because we aren't going anywhere for a while. " why don't you guys want to move, it will be like a new start " dad said in a wiser sort of voice, " I will go first " gale kept talking " I don't want to move because I don't want to have to go to a new school and meet all new friends, it's not good being a new kid in school." When gale stopped I went " and I don't want to move because in school I'm in every choir you can be in and I just got a big in there for every week with a payment of who knows how much." After that the rest of the family went and it went on for what seemed like forever, when mom called the family meeting over everyone went to there room even mom and dad!
    I slipped out of my room to go and see what everyone else was doing, I was going to go into mom and dads room but right as I went to go open the door I heard whispers. I listened really carefully outside of the door and this is what I heard " the kids are really upset that we are moving" mom said, " they will love it in Tucuman" dad replied " honey I don't think we should move I mean gale dose t want to be the new kid in school and I don't blame him, Tracie just got everything she wanted and we can't that away from her." Mom sadly said.

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