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My finger tips tingled as the freezing bench glued itself to me. There i sat becomming one with metal room. My brones felt hollowed from the water, as if when they finally pulled me out and drained the tank, they drai ed me as well. The icey walls sat sturdy in place, no words or feeling only
I am here to contain you.
Nothing else was giving to me, not a blanket to keep me warm, or even a single reflective surface for me to gape at my appearance. Probably wrinkled from being so soaked, or deadly pale like a unfortunate corps.

Mason. My thoughts raced to think of any posibility he could be alive like me. But no, three times the bullets rammed his chest, two rapping into the building behind us, and one into me.
Fatal shots, the ones that hit him. And he was dead because of me.

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