Chapter 1

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The male pines twin replayed what happened in his mind.

"Wake up, kid! Breakfast!" A muffled, tough voice yelled from downstairs. Dipper groaned, covering his head with a pillow. "Hey, get up bro!" A more feminine and cheerful voice yelled up. Dipper sighed and got out of bed. He looked around his room in the place called The Mystery Shack, or as he called home. He read his alarm clock on his bed stand right next to him. 10:32 AM was what it had read. He looked across from the room, revealing his twin sisters bed, which was quite the mess. Glitter, paper, knitting supplies, and stickers were scatter on top of it. Oh, and you can't forget her pet pig Waddles. The creature was snoring so loudly, he wondered how he could've possibly slept through it. The boy shrugged, and took another glance around the room. The mold on the ceiling was in its normal place, the closet door was squeaking, the dull sunlight was showing through the dirty window. But he wouldn't have it any other way. He jumped off of his bed and reached under for his vest and his clean(ish) clothes. He then proceeded to quickly get changed, grabbed his blue pine tree hat and put it on, along with some socks, and a watch just in case. He then started to descend downstairs.

"Hey, kid. Nice for you to finally get up." Dipper's great uncle, or 'grunkle',asked.
"Yo Dipster, have some breakfast. Grunkle Stan made eggs!" Dipper's female twin said, beckoning him over to the table.
"No thanks Mabel, I'm not hungry." He replied half-heartedly, as he took out a book, a journal to be specific. The Journal, to be exact. It was a mysterious book he had found buried in the beginning of the summer. It had information about the great mysteries of Gravity Falls, the supernatural town. Demons, incantations, sacred places, and musical creatures filled the book. And, everything was true for that small Oregon town. But truly the weirdest part? The author was Dippers great uncle, who also had happened to be a twin, and he lived under the house in a secret hidden basement.
His "Grunkle" Stan looked over to him and sighed. "Looking through my know-it-all brother's diary again?" Dipper grunted in response. "Come on, you're 12! You shouldn't spend every moment of your life with your nose stuffed in that book. Go outside. Hug a tree. I don't know kid." All he received was an empty stare from the twins. The man sighed and walked into the television room to watch TV.
"Fine, I'll do what he says." Dipper bluntly replied.
"You haven't even aten yet Dipper!" Mabel protested. He was already out the door.

Dipper sighed as he walked into the woods.
"Stupid.... Grunkle...... Old...." He grumbled to himself, only a few words readable.  As he finally got deeper into the forest, he took the book back out of the pocket inside of his vest. People said having pockets inside was idiotic and had to use, but he thought otherwise. They were 'cool' to him, but 'cool' to him would be a math exam. It's way off from other people's 'cool'. He flipped through the journal, stopping at a page which seemed even more mysterious then the rest. It had once had much writing about it, he could see that, but it was all scratched out. Only a few phrases were still visible, including a picture of the subject of the page, or the river, actually. Sure, a river shouldn't be interesting, but in this book? Anything and everything should be interesting. The boy reread the page for about the millionth time.
'This River is a harmful hing to anything and everything living. If you drink it or even touch it, you will-' It was scratched out at this point. Dipper squinted in confusion. He remembered the time he had questioned his great uncle about this page.

The boy opened the vending machine secret entrance, as he had memorized the opening after that eventful day with the government agents. He input the code to activate the elevator at the end of the stairs, and went to the bottom floor which had once included the portal. He got out and found his great uncle sketching something in the first Journal- he hadn't checked what.
"Great Uncle Ford?" Dipper cautiously asked. Stanford looked up and warily smiled at him.
"Yes Dipper? What brings you down here so late?" His uncle questioned back at him.
"Well, I've been studying this page for a few weeks.." He took out his journal and flipped to the page about the river. "What happened to this page, and why is it all scratched out?" He stated.
"Hmm..." His uncle squinted at the page and put a six-fingered hand on his chin, deep in thought. He looked quite confused. After about 15 seconds of him trying to think, he said surprised "I don't remember writing this at all."
That was a bit unsettling.
"A-are you sure?" Dipper pressed, getting more anxiety each second. "It has your handwriting, an-and your sketch style, but almost all of it i-is scratched out and-."
"Yes, I've noticed that." Ford said, once again trying to think and calm the boy down at the same time before he began to hyperventilate. "Could I borrow this book for the night? I'll return it in the morning, but I think it's time for you to get to sleep." He smiled down at the kid. Dipper calmed down and sleepily smiled back.
"Sure thing." Dipper yawned. "Goodnight great uncle Ford."
"Goodnight Dipper." Stanford said as his great nephew put the code into the elevator and went to the surface. He waved the whole time. As soon as he was out of sight. Ford grimly faced the page and sighed. "This is going to be a long night."

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