Chapter 4

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A month has passed now and the bullying at school had stopped. Lola and her gang hasn't said anything to me. I even have more friends now. I hang out with Luke, Jai, and Beau everyday but I haven't talked to Mariah lately. She tries to avoid me everytime she sees me.

I get dressed for school quickly. I curled my long brown hair and applied some makeup. I put on my a pink studded collar long sleeve shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. I put on my white converse and ran down stairs. No surprise that Jai and Luke were already there waiting.

“Oh don't you look pretty this morning?” Mom said in a happy mood. I smiled at her and gave her a kiss in the cheek.

“What I don't get a kiss?” Jai said in a playful voice. My Mom just laughed and I playfully punched Jai in the shoulder.

When we got at school I don't go straight to class like I usually did before. Now I went with our friends Ariana and her boyfriend Tim, and Jessica.

“Hey I will be throwing a costume party at my house this saturday. Do you think you can make it?” Jessica asked me and the twins.

Jai and Luke high fived and both at the same time said “Yeah” I just smiled and nodded my head. I then remembered my cousin was coming to stay with me at saturday.

“Can my cousin come to?” I asked Jessica

Jessica smiled at me and said “Of Course, The more people the better?

It was time to go to class so we all went our separate ways except me, Luke, and Jai. When class was over Mr.Fitz told me to say for a little bit because he needed to talk to me.

“Yes, Mr.Fitz you wanted to talk to me” I asked him

“Oh yes, How are you?” When he asked me that I wasn't really sure what he was exactly talking about but then I figured it was because of my father.

“I have been good everything is getting back to normal”

“I'm really glad to hear that, but Nonie your grades have dropped you used to be a straight A student now you have C’s” I looked at him in stock. I had been lagging on my school work.

“I'm sorry Mr.Fitz I promise ima do anything to get my grades up, is there any extra credit I can you to get my grades up again?”

“I know you're a responsible girl, so I printed out a packet for you to work on. This is not going to give you an A but it will raise your grade. If you do all you work for the rest of the semester I think you will do fine.” He said cheering me up. I was so happy that I hugged him really really tight. He just giggled while I ran out the door.

When school ended Luke, Jai, and Beau came over to my house. I was not able to concentrate on my homework that Mr.Fitz had handed me.

“Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell

You don't know (oh oh)

You don't know you're beautiful!”

The boys were singing and I could help but laugh. They were complete idiots and I loved those complete idiots. They were big One Direction fans and so was I.

All of a sudden I feel someone pick me up. It was Luke. He had a thing for always carrying me around.

“Luke I have to finish my homework” I yelled loudly but I don't think they could hear me.

“Have some fun, you can do homework later” Jai yelled. Luke threw me on the couch and I started laughing because I found Beau tickling me.

“Stop Beau, Stop you're gonna make me pee!” Yelled at him

“Pee! Peee!” he yelled back.

After a while, Beau and Jai went back to there house but Luke stayed behind to help me in my homework. To my surprise Luke was very smart. We spent hours getting my work done. It got late and Luke fell asleep on the couch. My mom was out of town because of her work so I figured it wasn't bad if Luke spent the night. I felt bad that he had to sleep on the couch so I woke him up and told him to go to my bed. It was almost midnight and I wasn't done with my homework so I ended up quitting and went up stairs.

I was too tired to change into my pajamas so I just washed my face to get all the makeup off. I went back to my bedroom and say Luke passed out on my bed. I softly pushed him aside so I could scoot in. For a while I just sat there staring a Luke. He looked so peaceful, I never noticed how beautiful he was. I know I sound corny but its true. He looked like and angel just lying there. Luke made me feel safe, He made me feel the same way my father made me feel.


Next Morning I woke up with a flash in my eyes.

“Good Morning Princess” Luke said while giving me a kiss on the cheek. He had his phone in his hand.

“Did you take a picture of me?” I asked him confused.

“Yes of course its the first time I see you without makeup”

“Oh my gosh, shut up”

“Ima take a quick shower okay” He told me while walking into the bathroom

I went into my moms room to use the shower there after a while. I got out and applied my makeup and blow dried my hair. I put on some jeans and a white and pink aeropostale shirt. I went back in my room and Luke was barely getting out of the shower. He was still wearing the same clothes as he was yesterday.

“Hey I’ll see you in a little bit ima go change I’ll see you later okay,” he said while leaning in for a hug. I just stared at him while he walked out of my room.

I don't know if what I was feeling for him was real or if it was just gratitude. I am just hoping he feels the same way.

After a while of just waiting there, the doorbell rang. I already knew who it was, it was obviously Luke and Jai. To my surprise It wasn't Luke, and Jai. It was Mariah, once I say her I gave her a tight hug. I missed her so much.

“I missed you!” I said while still hugging her. She didn't say nothing she just hugged me back. It was more than a month since I’ve actually talked to her.

“I can't talk to you for long, but I have to tell you that it was nice being your friend while it lasted” She said while looking down on the floor. I looked at her surprised. What was she hiding from me? She turned and walked away. I ran after her.

“Why can't we be friends no more? Tell me please because I don't want to lose you” I told her while trying to catch up to her. Finally she stopped walking and turned around to face me.

“Look you have new friends, Clearly right! they stand up for you and look after you... I'm pretty sure you don't need me!” She snapped back at me.

“What do you want, for me not to be there friends anymore? I can do that if you want, I’ll tell them to leave me alone and that I don't want to talk to them ever again.”

“No, you're better of with them then you are with me. I am not a true friend to you. I never was and I hope one day you can forgive me.” She said and turned and walked away. I was shocked by what she had said. Why would I have to forgive her? I felt the tears run down my cheeks. I have no clue what she did to me that was so bad.

Guys what do you think? What do you think Mariahs secret is? Leave a comment below to tell me what you think? I hope you guys like it so far. Please comment and Rate! Xoxo

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