Hetalia: Russia x Reader: It's cold outside (oneshot)

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Your nose freezing, your toes, your fingers. Soon you where afraid you where going to get frost bite. You where in your car, in Moscow, Russia, with no heater, in the open, lost, in a blizzard. You where looking for your friend, Ivan Braginsky. He was Russian, with beige hair, violet eyes, he wore a scarf everywhere-even when it's not cold-and you had developed fellings for the scary Russian. You had moved to Moscow to be with him; but, however, You loved the warm and wanted to go back to it, but you couldn't. You had to stay with him, even if you got frost bite or not.

The sky got darker, more snow, and less cars, until there was nothing exept you and your car in an Iceland.

"Damn it! I cant see crap." You yelled to no one in particular. When you thoight things couldn't get worse, you run out of gas.

"Damn it all to hell!" You hollered in rage. You stopped the vehicle, and put it in park, then turned it off. You got out and started to walk to civilization.

----------Time skip-----------

"D-dang, its c-c-cold" you managed to say. Its no use, you thought. Your (h/l) (h/l) was practically frozen to your cranium.

You started to see black spots floating around. Are you going to faint? Then out of the corner of your eyes, you see. A tall figure. Could it be? Then complete darkness.

-----Time skip------

Your eyes jolt open. You where in a room. It was warm; it felt safe.

"Da! Im glad your awake, (y/n)" A small voice said quietly. You looked to your side. It was Ivan! He looked really concerned.

"What in gods name did you go out in that blizzard? !" He asked. You sat up.

"I wanted to see you." You answered. He was shocked. Your face flushed red you and began to feel bad. "Im sorry for all the trouble, i should leave now" you apologised as you started for the door.

Until an arm grabbed yours.

"(Y/n), there is something i have to say," he started. You could only just sit there, while the man of your dreams confesses something to you.

"I...I love you,everytime im around you my heart melts." He confessed.

You leaned over, and smacked your lips against his, a sweet, warm passionate kiss.

"I love you too," you smiled. You might actually like the cold~

-----The end~-----

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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