A Terrible Twist of Events

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A Terrible Twist of Events

Book One

By: Carson Soliday

Chapter One

Winds pushed up against the side of the old, brick schoolhouse. Maple knew it wouldn't stand. It was too rickety. Maple stood up in her chair and walked to the teacher's desk.

"Ms. Lain?" She said timidly.

"You should be in your seat." Ms. Lain said coolly.

Maple walked back to her desk. She knew better than to toil with Ms. L's emotions. Her pencil sounded like nails on a chalkboard against the paper. Maple couldn't take it anymore. Once the day was over, she stood up and raced out the door. Rain slashed at her pink cheeks and wind howled all around her. 'This isn't the 1940s anymore' she thought. It was true. The date is 1950. Ten years ago was an awful drought that brought the people of the West to their knees. Right now was a flood. The roads were paved with mud but Maple kept running, all the way to her father's ranch.

Maple grabbed the handle of the barn door and slipped into the darkness. The smell of horse and cow manure filled her nostrils and hay needles punctured Maple's legs. She was home. She let out a breath she did not know she was holding. Maple flicked on a small light bulb that was hanging in the middle of the barn. It illuminated 10 small stalls with 4 cattle, 4 horses and 2 sheep. She walked over to Bessie, the biggest cow there was. Maple grabbed the old wooden stool and proceeded in milking her.

Cool milk splashed into the tin bucket on the hay floors. Maple stuck her finger into the bucket and tasted the sweet cream. Maple finished milking Bessie and moved onto Bayard, the bull. She gave him some feed and stroked his muzzle. He snorted and licked Maple's face. She laughed and Bayard let out a long "Moooo". Maple grabbed the bucket and a blanket from the horses and raced out to the house.

Once she was inside, Maple dried herself off and started to heat up a saucer of the fresh milk for the Adams's cat, Tucker. While the saucer was on the stove, Maple went to get a change of clothes. She came back down and started to sweep the wooden floors. Tucker strolled in and saw the saucer on the table. He rubbed against Maple's legs and purred.

"Oh you naughty cat!" Maple said and grabbed the saucer. Tucker smiled with it seemed, satisfaction. Tucker had his ways of charming people. Maple heard commotion outside and peered out of the window. Her father was back with a man who Maple could not make out in the rain.

"....and the bear was the size of a sequoia! Oh hello Maple." Said the mystery man who turned out to be Pastor Wilson. Maple waved a shy 'Hello' and gave them each a cup of warm milk.

"Yes, that's my daughter for you." Said Mr. Adams proudly. "She'll always be polite."

Mr. Adams shifted in his wooden chair uncertainly. "There's a tornado 'a coming."

Maple went rigid. 'A tornado? Well we do live in the tornado alley.' Wind rattled the window panes and Maple pulled a blanket up to her chin.

"Pa? We'll be okay in the shelter right?" She asked anxiously.

"It won't come for a month or even half a month, Maple." He told her.

Maple looked out the window, still not feeling that well.


When Ma came home the rain had died down and supper was on the table. Tonight the Adams's were having chicken stew, fresh from the market. Ma loved fresh chicken. The smell of it, the taste, and the texture she all loved. The stew also had vegetables straight from their garden, a lot of peas and carrots. 'Delish!' thought Maple.

"Ah! Fresh stew, just the way I like it." Ma said with her thick southern drawl.

Pa blessed the food and they dug in. Right as Maple took a bite of carrot, Jamie , Maple's older brother, burst in through the door. He was soaking all the way to his socks, Maple inferred.

"Sorry I'm late!" He blurted. "Burt wouldn't let me off!"

"Stop complaining boy and dry off. We've already started eating!" Pa said with a mouthful of stew.

"You look like a tornado went through you!" Maple smirked.

"Maple Renee!" her mother said shocked. "Don't insult your brother and eat your food!"

Maple looked at her plate and took a bite of stew. 'Jamie is just plain awful!' She thought.

Maple finished eating early and went upstairs to get ready for bed. Once she was ready, she tucked herself in and shut off the lights.

As she drifted off to sleep, the rain pattering against the roof filled her ears once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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