Chapter 1:Ichijou Takuma

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Dedicated to Alise, who was begging for a Takuma story :D Lots of love, Doll!

Read on~


A sigh.

She really, really didn't want to do this.

But, if Takuma said it would be fine, she trusted him.

And that's how she ended up on the floor, cross-legged and sitting in a circle with her fellow Nightclass-men. 

She sighed once more, "Let's get this over with."

"So eager, (Y/N)-chan?" Aidou, who had started this whole affair, smirked, quirking an eyebrow.

She scowled at him, "Can it, Blondie."

"All right," Kain, who was used to his cousin's antics, calmed the two hotheads before they could start a war. Reaching into the small, upside down hat placed in the middle of the floor, he withdrew a paper slip with the word 'Truth' printed in bold letters on one side. What he had to be truthful about, however, was decided by another slip in another upturned hat.

Aidou had, somehow, convinced the Disciplinary Committee to write out slips for them in equal amounts before placing them in their respective hats. Zero, who had been less enthusiastic, muttered something about Yuki's 'not being violent enough' before leaving. (Y/N) hoped she got one of his slips.

"Truth," Kain read, sighing softly. "Describe a romantic encounter."

Ruka hid a giggle, as well as (Y/N), at the gentle giant's hesitance. Perhaps Kain had no experience?

Eventually, and with many halting sentences, he struggled out a story of a girl-whose name he refused to reveal-who he had fallen for when he was young, and who still cared for him to this day. (Y/N) snuck a glance at Ruka, who looked warmed, and had an itching suspicion that there was somewhat of a chemistry lab between them.

Kain's amber eyes searched the circle and they landed on Takuma, who was bouncing happily on the ground, before running a hand through his hair and murmuring, "I choose Ichijou-san."

"Really?" Takuma's eyes sparkled and (Y/N) had trouble denying that it was the most adorable thing she had ever seen. He beamed, reaching forward and confidently taking out a slip. His smile widened and brightened when he read 'Dare' outloud, looking around the circle, as if he had already done the deed. He could take anything that a silly hat tried to throw at him!

When Takuma pulled his next slip out, however, his face fell.

"Well?" (Y/N) prompted, leaning forward anxiously. She knew that each dare was directed towards a specific person, and she would laugh her little ass off if he got dared to make out with another dude or something.

He pulled another slip, which was contained in a hat full of names for those who got dare, and flushed a delicate red.

"Takuma?" Came (Y/N)'s soft inquiry.

"D-Dare," Takuma gritted out, swallowing and blinking his eyes rapidly. "Ki-Kiss... (Y/N)..."

Her heart stuttered and froze and she watched him with wide eyes.

In the game of demented truth or dare, you had only one chicken, and there was no way that Takuma would give it up when he could be forced to do something far worse with someone he didn't like. So, the blonde sucked it up, set the slips in the 'used' pile, and made his way over to (Y/N).

Neither were sure what to do or how to proceed, so they just sat awkwardly for a moment, all eyes directed towards them.

Eventually, seeing there was no way out of it, not to mention that she didn't mind, (Y/N) sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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